〰Choosing Clothes〰

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(In Ahs's house)
Ash: You go and choose for me my earrings ,necklace,ring and my sunglasses please!
Anna: Sure darling!(Choosing)
Ash: Thank you!(Choosing the clothes öf T-shirts and shorts)
Ash: How about this Anna? (Showing her the selected clothes)
Anna: Very nice! I really like it!
Ash: Thanks!
Anna:(Giving her the selected Jewelry)
Ash:( Taking them, going to the changing room,changing clothes,getting out)
Anna: OMG! you look fabulous! Very nice I like your clothes! (In the photo up)
Ash:Anna I will go and tell my mom to prepare herself!
Anna: Ok ill wait you here
Ash:(Going out of the room)
Anna: I'll go to bathroom to wash my hands (Going to bathroom,washing hands,drying hands,going out)
Ash: Anna I told my mom she agree to go and live there her whole life she is now preparing herself!
Anna: We will met at evening I'll go now to my house and wait the carriage!
Ash: Okay and I'll wait here and help my mom dressing up!
Anna: Okay Bye I'll see you at evening!
Anna:(saying bye to Ash and going to her house)

Wait for the next chapter soon!
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