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You watched as Haru and Jimin came together, now it's time for you to see how Jungkook and Mihi became. Ever wondered why? How?  Ever wondered how Jungkook even came across Jimin and his sister?

A special extra for you~ Enjoy!


It was their turn, now it's ours.

How the hell did we end up together?!


He threw off his covers. He made sure to remember what his bedroom looked like before he was shipped off to a school out of the district. Sounds cruel, but it didn't matter to his parents.

"Jeon Jungkook!" He father heavily knocked on the door, "You better be awake! It's time for you to get on the train!"

He smelled the homeliness of his room for the last time and opened the door, "I was awake for a long time."

"Good. Now, grab your last things and go downstairs. We already packed your stuff into boxes." His dad turned and exited

Jungkook sighed and shook his head in sorrow, couldn't I at least eat breakfast? Or brush my teeth?

His mother gave him a tight-lipped smile, a fake one. "Honey, I'll miss you. But I think you'll do better at the school, okay? Study well!"

No you won't miss me, you witch. He thought, "I'll try." He mumbled. "Hey, before I go, can I at least eat something?" He hinted

"Oh, here." His dad gave him 5,000₩

He starred at the bill in his hand. Of course. You hate cooking for your son. You cheap bastard.

The car door opened. Jungkook swung his backpack and bag on him. He also balanced two boxes in his arms.

"Bye now!" His mom said

If only he could give them his middle finger and cuss like crazy. But he couldn't. He wasn't like that.

He watched as the car went off, not speeding off in a hurry or it'll look suspicious. Jungkook spun on his heel and went for the train.

The school was big. It looked more like a small city, a village even. He entered the main hall, Mr. Kwang's office. Knocked once, then twice.

"Come in."

"Uh. Hello sir."

Mr. Kwang smiled, "Hello! And you are..."

Jungkook bowed, "Jeon Jungkook. I was supposed to transfer here today."

"Hold on, let me check... Yes, you are. Sorry, Jeon Jungkook?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Have a seat. We'll discuss your accommodation and schooling. Welcome to Seoul Boarding School!"

Jungkook had mixed feelings about having a dorm by himself. Well, I can have a lot of privacy, yet, I don't know anybody or have any friends yet...

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