You're Decided Pt. 2

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I Need You. You need me. But why can't this work out? Then, just forget it.
Mihi unlocked her door and entered a suspicious aura dorm. "Haru? Haru, we need to talk... Listen, I know--- Haru?"

When Mihi opened Haru's old bedroom, nothing was there expect the cold chill of air. "Haru?" Mihi dashed out to the kitchen, where she saw the note.

Dear Mihi,
I too, am sorry that I haven't listened to your side. I'm also sorry to say that I moved to somewhere else. Please don't worry and don't find me. I want you to know that you were my most bestest friend. You were always there for me. You were like my sister I never had. I will always treasure our memories together. Goodbye and thank you.
-Oh Haru

Mihi closed her eyes and covered her mouth, preventing her loud hiccups from raidiating throughout the empty dorm. "Haru... Why did you go?"

Shaking, Mihi called her brother.

He answered immediately, "Hello?"

"You piece of shit, get over here." and she clicked the end button.

As Jimin walked through the door, Mihi launched at him.

"Why?! I know she talked to you, but why did you have to be okay with this?!"

"Park Mihi!" he yells, "Of course i'm not okay with this! I---" Jimin's phone rang. "Hello? Yes, this is Park Jimin. Wha... Yes, we'll be right there."

"What?" Mihi demands

"We need to go. Jungkook woke up."


"Just grab your jacket and follow me."


"You can go in now." The nurse says

Jimin and Mihi bow, "Thank you."

Jungkook's eyes were open and a bit bloodshot. He scoffs at the sight of his two friends and turns his head so he looks at the wall. "Why are you here?" he croaks

"Kookie, how are you?" Mihi says, avoiding his question.

Jungkook looks at Mihi, "Well not better obviously. I have a bad concussion, so many broken bones and a freaking bloody headache." He looks over at Jimin.

"You. Why did you come. I don't want to see you. Where's Haru?"

Jimin walked closer to Jungkook, "She's... Gone."

Jungkook blinked, "What?"

"She moved somewhere we don't know."

"You... Bastard!" Jungkook yells, making himself wince at his throat pain.

"Kook---" Mihi says

"It's Jungkook!" He snaps at her, turning to Jimin, he glares at him. "You. You were her boyfriend. How could you let her go? Huh? Were you really that committed?! If you really loved her then you would've stopped her. You would've fought---"

Jimin couldn't stand it anymore, he grabbed Jungkook's collar, "Listen you punk, you think I didn't love her? Of course I did! You think I didn't try to stop her? I did! You think I didn't fight for her? I did!" He yells.

Jungkook noticed his friend had tears in his eyes.

"I... Did. I did everything I could Jungkook. She just slipped out of my grasp... I was too late to convince her, too late to even save her..." Jimin fell to his knees, sobbing.

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