You're Stunned

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''Look Haru!'' Jungkook points to himself, ''I'm all red!''

Mihi scoffs, ''You look like you're drenched in blood.''

''Oh shut up. You're just jealous.''

Haru giggles. It was the last day of exams. Ah, finally. When I get back, I can rest.

The door slams open unexpectedly, Jimin comes running in, ''I'm sorry i'm late! My alarm didn't go off!'' He bows

The teacher sighs, ''Okay. Sit please.''

Jimin smiles wide at Haru, who smiled back. Mihi and Jungkook were eyeing each other, Jungkook passes her a note:

Oh my god, it's working! ><

Miuhi grins and quickly scribbles a reply before Haru could see and hands it back:


''Okay, only pencils and erasers on your desk please! Do NOT. Look at any one else's paper or you'll get a ZERO. Begin.'' The teacher sits down. It was silent the moment the teacher let them start. They had 90 minutes to complete the English exam which included writing sentences/short paragraphs, matching, defining and multiple choice. Simple, right?

''Ah, no more! Now, time to eat! I heard they're selling fried rice...'' Jungkook licks his lips amd runs out

''That twit. Not even being considerate. Wait up, Kookie!'' Mihi dashes out.

Jimin walks casually next to Haru, ''How do you think you did? Well? Bad? So-so?''

''Well, I studied well, so I think I did well. Besides the defining though... Some of them were hard...''

Jimin nods, ''Yeah, like ''metamorphosis'', who would put that on an exam? Like seriously, you go England: ah, yes, hello--- METAMORPHOSIS.'' Jimin says in English.

Haru giggles, ''Maybe it's just... To make it hard?''

''Yeah, maybe.''

''Mm... So good. Everything tastes good when you're starving....'' Jungkook mumbles with a mouthful of rice.

''Yah! You're spraying rice all over me! Say it, don't spray it!'' Jimin wipes his face

Just then, Sora walks up to the table Jimin, Jungkook, Mihi and Haru were sitting at. ''Why hello, Haru.''

Haru stares blankly at her. ''How may I be of assistance Ms. Kang?'' She says mockingly, shoot, I let that slip.

Sora glares, ''You think i'm here to see you?''

''Well you did say hi to me.''

Sora scoffs, ''Fine. Just saying Haru, i'm going to be the first name you'll see on the exam mark list.''

''Yes, and it'll be at the bottom. Since, that's the first thing we see.'' Mihi snaps.

''Shut your face Park Mihi.'' Yuki shoots back, ''You have no right to talk like that.''

''Really? Gee, I don't recall that 'right' being written by the government.''

''It's sarcasm. Seems like you don't know what it is. It's ironic how you're so smart, yet you don't know what sarcasm is.'' Yuki sighs

''Seems like you don't know it, Ichigo Yuki. I've been speaking this whole time.''

Jinwoon steps foreword, ''Shut up. That's what she's trying to say, idiot.''

Jimin slides his chair back, ''Yah. You,'' he points at Jinwoon, ''And you,'' he points at Yuki, ''Both need to leave me, my friends and my sister alone.''

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