You're My Everything

Start from the beginning

Jimin felt awkward. Especially when he knew that Haru's friends didn't like him. After all of the greetings, VIXX noticed him. They confusedly looked back at Haru and then him.

Haru sighed but smiled, "Be nice now. Just give him a chance. I know you guys are used to seeing him being all weird and stuff---"

"Hey!" Jimin protested

"---But he's really nice. Please, just get along."

N, as the leader stepped up first, he shook Jimin's hand, "I'll be waiting for a grandchild."

Haru flushed, Jimin choked on his spit, "I-I'm sorry?!"

Hyuk and Hongbin pulled him away, "Yahyahyah!!! Sorry about that, he ate too many tangerines..." Hong bin nervously chuckled and punched the leader lightly

Ravi clasped his hand on his hand and bumped shoulders, "We're cool."

Jimin smiled, Hyuk was the last to step in. "You're born in the same year right?"


"Yep. Dang, I thought I was older... I wanted to dominate someone."

"It's okay. We have a maknae that is trying to, too."

The door opended, "VIXX is on in 5 minutes."

Jimin and Haru were right up front. As soon as the lights dimmed, fans screamed.

A nice soft electric sound filled the air, and VIXX was in position, ready to perform. They moved in sync with the music. Before she knew it, it was over. They dashed backstage,

"OMG you were so great!" Haru patted them on the back, not wanting to hug them in their sweat.

"Thanks... We're... Happy we performed nicely." N wiped his face

"Ah, I saw you supporting us!" Ken smiled

"Wah, i'm a big fan now." Jimin bowed, "It's late, sorry, I'll be going now."

"Yes, yes. Arrive back safely!" VIXX shouted after them

Haru could see her breath as the night contrasted with it.

"Cold? It is getting chilly." Jimin rubbed his hands together

"Hey, Jimin."


''Can I ask you a question?''

''Yeah. Shoot.''

''Sorry to dig up the past, but what happened to Sora and her friends?''

''You want to know?''

''I think so. I'm just curious. They're harmless now.''

Jimin smiled at her, she's gotten so strong. ''Well, they just resumed being themselves: mean and rude. Their punishment didn't do much, all it did was that they now have a hard time getting into a University or a job since their record says they tried to enforce suicide on a student, harassment and bullying. Oh, and Yuki left Sora. I guess she got fed up and went back to Japan.''

''Yuki? I suspected there was a tiny-bit goodness to her... Jinwoon?''

''Jinwoon? She's still Sora's bestie. She flaunts her money around, not caring. She got suspended for trying to bribe a teacher.''


''Yeah. I heard that she payed big, just to get a good mark...''

Haru clicked her tongue, ''Damn.''

''I think Sora is still trying to get into University. That means she's backed up...''

''Yeah, she has to wait another year.''

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