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We had a bit of a welcoming committee which I steadfastly ignored and made a beeline for my bedroom instead. After changing into a large shirt I pulled back my duvet and snuggled in, shutting the world out.

My peaceful sleep was disturbed by a painful scream and shouting, lots of shouting. What on Artson was going on? I shot up, instantly awake, my mind racing to all sorts of conculsions.

What could possibly be happening now? Were the guards onto our escape plans? How did they find out? I hadn't even seen a guard around since they had their weird intervention. Okay, calm down, overthinking gets you nowhere but scaredville. And you are most definetly not afraid, of anything.

I walk out into the hall trying to ascern where the shouting is coming from, but as I follow it the voices only get quieter, aren't they supposed to get louder instead? Am I going the right way?

I reach a dead-end corridor, the voices having disappeared into nothingness. Despite the dead end something urges me down the corridor, call it instinct, call it stupidity. I went regardless, to the end locker, it creaked open as I neared it a sure fire sign that this probably wasn't a good idea.

Be careful.

I heard shouts again, so scooping up the note and stuffing it into my back pocket I ran toward the sound of their voices, they were in the room in front of me and even though I couldn't see anyone through the glass panes my instinct told me not to go in there.

I stood beside the door listening in, wondering who was in the room.

"Does she have any idea how important she is? Any idea of the prophecy?" A man's voice demands, sounding vaguely familiar.

"None at all! She knows nothing!" The other says pleading almost, I swear I've heard these people before, if only I could sneak a peak at their faces, that would help for sure.

"Good, if she does not know of the prophecy she will not know about her choice, this is going along most excellently." The man states, cackling.

Okay, so I can gather that they're talking about me, the prophecy is about me after all. But I still don't even know what the prophecy is! What was I supposed to do? What was it even about?

Confused now more than ever, I realise in the nick of time that there are footsteps getting louder, moving toward the door. Without stopping to think I run into the nearest corridor unsure of where I'm going but not wanting to get caught.

Knowing I'm out of sight now, I attempt to gather my bearings technically, this is supposed to be the demon wing, I wonder if I can find Jack?

I search the entire wing to no avail, the rooms are barren of life and any signs that there were ever people living here that is until I get into the last room where I see painted on the walls You must choose soon. Choose what exactly?

My heart quickens on seeing this, questions cloud my mind, I want nothing more to wake up for this to be over. Panicked I flee the room, running to distance myself from there. I run in any direction that can take me away, far away. Endlessly through rooms and corridors with no sense of direction or purpose – other than away, away from here.


I tell myself, when I'm panting and sweaty, this is ridiculous. What am I running from? Words on a wall, how stupid. It didn't feel like that, it felt different like I was running from something more than what what written down, it felt like I was running away from everyone and everything, all my responsibilities. Things I was expected to do and know but had no clue about.

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