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I heard a deep rumble coming from behind and it took all my willpower to just stay where I was. For some reason I was beyond freaked, all of a sudden scared that this was all going to turn out badly. And if I was going to be brutally honest with myself, the likelihood of things going wrong in my current scenario are very, very high.

After all, I didn't really know where I was, let alone how I got here or what my escape route would be. Ha. That's funny as I didn't even know if I was physically here it not. Or if anything here wasn't just a figment of my imagination. Although, as I heard that rumble it was to think that I was imagining things. Even though I didn't understand it, didn't mean it wasn't happening.

The chanting started again, not more mumbling this time, it was loud and proud but shorter than before. This language was definitely nothing that I recognised. And I had heard the vampires speak Latin and the treefolk speak two different types of elvish, but this was completely different.

The chanting stopped and I was abruptly pulled out of my thoughts, this was the main event now. I could tell, the atmosphere of where ever we are had changed totally, it was cold now, a chill running up my spine. The silence was almost deafening, I could hear my heart beating wildly in my chest, it was stretching on for so long now that I was almost convinced that the guards too could hear my heartbeat too.

I rather hope that assumption was just my overactive imagination.

"Soon will be the time that you need to act have you prepared?" A voice booms, scaring me half to death.

"Master the ships have been prepared, the bombs have been created, everything is according to plan. We will leave soon and the children shall be forgotten. Everything I'll be s you say." One of the guards replied ,in a monotonous tone, robotic almost.

This was crazy, who was this 'master' they were referring to?

Questions buzzed around my head faster than I could think of plausible explanations.

"I shall grant you part of your price now, Noel, come forth you wish for eternal life? Join your lived ones in a a garden forevermore. "

I saw a flash of bright light, then heard a smattering of applause which grew so loud that it felt as if the whole of this world was shaking.

"Run," a voice whispered to me.

"And now, the final matter to settle tonight," the voice from behind me boomed.

"Run!" the voice whispered again with increased urgency.

"...tonight, amongst us we have a visitor."

That was my wakeup call, alright. I jolted up onto my feet instantly, attempting to imagine ways of getting out of here. When I knew that realistically, I had no idea where I was, never mind getting out of here.

I ran blindly forward, anything that was away was good enough for me right now. That is until, I reach the inevitable dead end which way should I turn now? I had mere moments, I didn't know if the guard's master had sent someone them after me or not and frankly, I didn't want to stick around to find out either.

Glancing frantically, between each of the voids of darkness, the question left or right? Plagues me. I see a flash of light come from the left side, is that supposed to mean its safe? Or is that really a minefield? I hear the rumble of heavy footfalls from behind me, time had run out.

I dive into the right tunnel, thinking that well, being blown up is not on my list of ways to escape. Or die.

"Good choice," the voice whispered.

Well, that's a relief but where the hell where you before?

I don't have the time to dwell on this selective help as I feel the earth beneath me sinking, like I'm wading through quick sand. I keep moving relentlessly forward despite feeling myself being slowly sucked underground. Nope, this too was not on my ways to die list.

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