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He tucked me in bed with all the warmth of a wet fish and as I heard his retreating footsteps and the quiet click of the door shutting I couldn't help but let the tears free fall down my face at an increasingly alarming rate. As much as I didn't want to go down this road, it was pretty much predestined that my heart would override my brain as silent sobs wracked my body.

I didn't want this.

And not for the first time did I wonder, why me? Why did all of this happen to me for? Who wants a god damn prophecy and all these stupid dreams. Who wants to be nearly killed by some invisible force on a daily basis? Who wants to let down all the people they've ever known at the time they've needed it most?


If that wasn't going to make you feel like a bag of faeces then I don't know what would. I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but what made me realise that I was, was the sudden change in tempo. How one moment I was wallowing in self pity and the next I was somewhere else entirely, unaware of the troubles I had left behind.

I saw the couple from my previous dream, they were having an argument, a really emotional one, the lady was crying and storming off. I didn't hear any of the words, the look on the man's face said enough, pure and utter heartbreak. The scene shifts, I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at anymore everything became blurry as if I had been crying, pain blossomed in my heart the heart wrenching kind of pain. The pain that came from the loss of someone, I had no cause to feel the pain but I did anyway and man did it hurt.

It only dawned on me that I was feeling someone else's emotions and when another person came to talk to me, I couldn't see who it was or what they were saying but whatever they said made the pain amplify, to the extent that I could feel it coursing through my veins, hurting every part of my body.  The scenes shifts again and I see myself in the red grass again, lying down just watching it all around me, as if I was in a bubble and was seeing the world from the outside.

All too soon I was back on Arston, my dreams having left their mark on me in the form of a pounding headache. Remembering the events before falling asleep did nothing to help either, ugh, consciousness was not something I wanted right now. Or at all. For once dreams seemed like the better choice, an escape instead of a punishment, even if they are incredibly confusing.

As with all things that you wanted, you never got them when you wanted them. I dug my pounding head deeper into the pillow, hoping that somehow either the headache will go away or that the pillow would consume me, neither happened. I groaned at the prospect of having to get up and face Jack again, I wonder what he's said to the others?

Wouldn't that be a wonderful conversation to have?

"Hey Anna, have you found anything out yet? I heard you went to Vlad's private library?"

"Yeah, well here's the thing I would have done only, my body decided to fail me so I couldn't even pick myself off the floor so very little, hell, I could barely master the art of walking again."

That was so not happening.

Like I didn't feel humiliated enough.

With a groan, I get out of bed feeling a lot like the walking dead. Stumbling over to the bathroom, I fumble out of my clothes and step into the shower. Life was such a chore sometimes, today was the perfect example. I didn't want to do today at all, it would be so convenient if I could skip today and not wake up with everything having been done for me, all my problems been sorted out.   

The RevoltOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant