Chapter 12: Numb

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Chelsea Pov

I felt numb in places I didn't know I had and not to mention I had a splitting headache. My eyes stung when I peeled them open displaying the familiar dimly lit hotel room. I heard a low snore coming from Harry who happened be under the covers with me, with arms around my waist and body close to mine. Now that I mention it, I was fully clothed in fresh pajamas. I turned slightly but all that did was make him pull me in closer. By the looks of it, I must've been out for about for a while because I could see the morning sunlight shine threw the cheap hotel blinds.

"Harry." I whispered gently trying to wiggle out of his strong grip. He shifted to where his head was in the crook of my neck and my bum pressed against his length. His morning breath filled my senses as I took an uncomfortable breathe.

His eyes suddenly popped open and he lifted head to yawn.

"Morning" he managed in his raspy morning voice. His curls tickled my cheekas he planted a kiss in the corner of my mouth making butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"So you passed out on me last night." he teased nudging me slightly making me giggle to myself. To be completely honest I thought that was a dream. But judging by that remark, it wasn't.

"Sorry about that." I said nervously as I sat up to face him. A perv like smirk played on his lips. "What?" I said nudging him.

"You're not at all wondering how you got dressed?" he teased licking his lips as he scanned my body. "Well its kinda obvious you dressed me." "I did more that just dress you." he gave me a an acknowledging wink as he caressed my leg. "You perv!" I slapped his wandering hand away as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I didn't mean it like that, I just enjoyed the view that's all." I didn't know whether i wanted to hit him or laugh at his honesty. That cheeky grin always seemed to freeze me in my tracks and leave me breathless."ok well I guess we should go out and get some food before Amber and Louis wake up."

Amber Pov

"Babe, wake up." Louis nagged in my ear shaking my arm vigorously. "5 more minutes" I groaned pulling the covers over my face to shield my eyes from the newly let in sunlight by Louis' smart idea of opening the blinds. "Nope, you've got to wake up so we can go to the airport" "Well the airport is not going anywhere" I turned to lay on my stomach and clutched the free pillow. "That's it." he ripped the covers from my grip and hoisted me over his shoulder. I pounded on his back numerous times but it was no use he was stronger than me at the moment. He sat me on the counter in the bathroom and leaned into me with each hand on either side of my thighs. "Don't think you're gonna kiss me after interrupting my sleep." I pouted as a smirk played on his lips as he leaned to kiss me, I pushed my hand over his lips and pushed his face back playfully. "Oh, we're doing this now?" He proceeded to tickle the shit out of me exposing my dorky laugh. "Can I get my kiss now?" he taunted as he continued to tickle me. "Yes... yes.." I breathed trying to recover from his tickling hands. He playfully puckered his lips, I looked at him and laughed to myself before grabbing his cheeks and pecking his lips. His arm snaked around my waist pulling me into a more passionate kiss. I grabbed the nape of his neck makong him smile between kisses. When he started trailing kisses down my neck I looked up at the clock displaying the time. 10:30.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath pushing Louis off slightly for him to stop hut instead he continued to suck and kiss at my neck. "Babe, we're gonna miss our flight..." I trailed off into a moan of satisfaction as he grazed his teeth over the newly sensitive skin. He stopped and looked at the time. " Oh god, we've only got 45 minutes." he said with panic beginning to fill his mood. He helped me down from the counter so could go and get the clothes we wore the previous day. Apparently the housekeeper washed our clothes while we were asleep so our clothes were fresh and clean. Almost falling on my face trying to pull on my skinny jeans, I quickly got dressed. Louis ob the other hand got dressed under 2 minutes so he was already freshening up in the bathroom. I pulled on my v neck and pulled my sandy brown hair into a messy ponytail I walked into the bathroom where Louis was brushing his teeth in front of the mirror, toothpaste and toothbrushes were complimentary apparently. I took a look at myself and relalized a circular purple love bite on my neck. I looked up at Louis was smirking slyly trying to act focused on brushing his teeth. I hit his arm making him jump in shock by my sudden actions. "You gave me a love bite pootnugget!" "Well how else was I supposed to mark what's mine?" he grined wiping the access toothpaste off his lip with a towel. Then he gave me that damned smirk, now I was finding it hard to be mad at him with that face. He planted a mint filled kiss on my cheek before getting his things together in the bedroom. Then a knocking coming from the door filled the temporary silence. "It's open" Louis exclaimed which resulted in the door being swung open and the smell of freshly baked krispy kreme donuts filled the air.

"We brought food!" hollered making quicken my pace in the bathroom and finishing up.

"oh cool donuts" Louis said causally as Harry and Chelsea sat on the edge of the bed setting the box on the dresser. I came out of the bathroom only to trip over Louis' shoe and planting my face in the carpet. "Dammit Louis and these damn shoes!" I picked it up threw it at his side making him wince in pain. "ouch babe I'm sorry." he said rubbing his side and scooting over for me to sit on the bed, I gave him a fake death glare before stealing a kiss before snatching a jelly filled glazed donut from the box.

"We've gotta go so hurry up and eat so we can catch a cab."

"Food is an art you don't rush art!" I argued taking another delicate bite ofbtue jelly filled goodness.

"Now!" harry rushed shutting the box of donuts. "Noooooo!" I said dramatically grabbing for the rest of the donuts. Louis held me back whispering that 'it's not worth' but obviously forgot that food was very important to but I decided to let it go.


We made it to the airport and booked a plane back to England since Louis invited me to go to their apartment and stay along with Chelsea. They were having my things shipped and brought there so I guess it sounded like a good idea.

Louis and I were sleeping the entire flight after we polished off the donuts. Harry and Chelsea wouldn't shut up.

Chelsea Pov

" I've never been to England before, what's it like?"

"Just like Brazil but a whole lot colder"

"Well more of an excuse to get closer" I teased as he pulled me close and kissed just below my ear letting his curls tickle my cheek.

To England I guess.

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