"Ok, cool. Come on let's go, the pups should start arriving soon. Oh! And don't forget about the pack Halloween party later tonight as well" Sarina reminded as she picked up the cauldron and walked over to the front door.

Great. Another party to attend in just the weekend. Oh well.




"Thanks for the candy" Max, a 10-year-old in Shelby and Zoey's class thanked me as he eyed me up and down.

"Keep your eyes to yourself, squirt. She's too old for you" Sarina pointed out as she placed the cauldron down on  the porch step and turned back to the group of kids standing in front of our house.

I laughed at Sarina before nodding at Max, "No problem, Max. Have a great Halloween, you and all of your friends."

Max grinned before taking my hand and kissing it, "I'll see you later, babe."

I rolled my eyes at his antics before kindly pulling my hand away and laugh a little. "Good luck with that."  Max winked at me before leaving with his group of friends who were passing whispers to each other.

"Max is going to be a playboy when he's older" Sarina stated as we watched them. I laughed at her before picking of the empty cauldron. Well I guess we are out of candy. I grinned as I remembered the faces of all the pups we scared, including some teens and adults. It was great. Sarina and I always go all out for halloween. We even decorated my house like a haunted house with flashing lights and sound effects. We also hid like the weird beings we are and jumped out. We even answered the door one time slowly and a creepy manner.

"The party starts in ten minutes, we should probably head over" I suggested as we walked into the kitchen.

'Our mate is going to be there' Irene's excited voice filled my head.

'Oh don't be so excited, he probably won't even pay attention to us' I replied earning a growl from Irene.

'Of course he will, he's our mate' Irene protested.

I ignored her and tuned back to Sarina who was listing off all of the things we will be doing at the party. I plastered a fake smile before leading Sarina out of my house. The party will take place in the same clearing used for Parker's arrival.

Members of the pack were already there dancing, eating, talking, some wasted already. All of the pups are at one of the pack mother's house having their own little party like staying up till 10 with candy and games, whatever they have at those kid parties.

This party is obviously meant for the adults. No one wants to be around drunk wolves. It's harder for us to get drunk, but when we do....It's not a pretty sight.

"So what do you want to do first?" I asked turning towards Sarina who was gazing at the decorations and the crowd. She looked over at me and grinned, "Let's dance!"

I nodded my head with a big smile on my face. "Timber" played on the speakers loud and clear. Sarina grabbed my wrist and we both went to the dance floor. Lights flickered on it and pack members were dancing closely with each other or jumping around.

The voice of Ke$ha filled my ears followed by Pitbull. I swayed my hips to the beat of the song with my whip placed in the waist band of my pants. The smell of sweat and alcohol filled my nose as well as the fresh air of the woods close by.

Sarina was dancing next to me. We both laughed at how stupid we looked right now but we didn't care, we were having fun. A couple guys next to us joined us.

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