"Odin, when did you want to start this recreation time?" He cleared his throat drinking some water.

"I was hoping that we could start today after training." Saryia sat back in her chair thinking about the request. Her eyes wondered to me. I smiled and begged her with my eyes. She smirked then turned back to Odin.

"Alright, and how much do you want to do this activity?" Odin smiled and sat back in his chair.

"Everyday so there isn't any frustration pent up." Saryia nodded then snapped her eyes at Exous.

"Exous, let the wolves know about their new schedule." Exous bowed then left the room. I was excited. I get to run with a pack again. This pack was run by my brother, which makes me Beta. Saryia rubbed her thumb over my hand. I smiled and ate some more.

"Odin, you don't mind if your Beta isn't there for the run today?" Odin's eyes became uneasy then he slowly nodded. Saryia grabbed my hand kissing it looking right at Jamie. Jamie shook her head scowling at Saryia. I sighed to myself. Mercy's jealous look was amusing. I winked at her, her eyes turned three shades lighter.

"What do you plan to do with her now Saryia?" Jamie said clutching her glass tight. Saryia chuckled pulling me into her lap. She had a lustful look in her eyes. I stared unconsciously into her eyes, lost for what felt like eternity.

"Like I said Jamie dear, she will do what I say, when I say with no questions." Her eyes stared deep into mine forcing my body to tremble in anticipation. She ran her finger over my cheek not taking her gaze off me. Saryia stood me up grabbing my hand.

"I hope you all enjoy your day. Haty and I are going on a walk. Come darling." Saryia and I walked out on the door into the fresh air. I took in a deep breath absorbing the sunlight. Saryia tugged on my arm pulling me into the garden. 

The garden looked so beautiful today. Nature was present here. The flowers danced with the bees in the wind. All of the little bugs were busy below us getting what they needed to survive. Saryia turned my eyes to hers.

"I do like harmony in my house, so perhaps we should have a activity with Jamie and Mercy." I shook my head no. I wanted Saryia to myself, I didn't want to have to be with anyone else. Let alone Mercy. Saryia chuckled then kissed my head. I raised my eyebrow.

"What?" I said. She smirked kissing my neck, putting her hands on my butt.

"Your so cute." I put my hands on her shoulders and gave her a glare.

"Cute? Cute?!" Saryia threw her head back laughing loud. She looked back at me and sighed.

"Well what else should I call you?"  I smiled then stroked my chin. Her hands wondered under my shirt. She breathed into my neck making me loose my train of thought. Saryia chuckled pulling me closer to her. I felt myself throb as her body pressed into mine.

"You can call me... awesome... amazing..." Her finger pressed on my lips. Her eyes twinkled as her smile outshined the sun.

"How about I call you mine? I want to make you mine Haty." She whispered in my ear. My legs turned to jelly. Saryia grinned pushing me against a tree. Her soft lips made contact with mine again causing my train of thought to crash. Her hand rubbed my thigh lifting it up to her waist. My arms wrapped around her neck pulling her in closer.

I did enjoy when Saryia seduces me now. I used to hate how her hands roamed up and down my body, but now, it feels so amazing. I used to hate the way her lips touched me, but now their touch sends me flying into the sky. Her eyes stared deep into mine. I couldn't breath as her eyes seeped into my soul. She always had that ability to look at me and make me throw my defenses to the ground.

"Will you be mine Hatspehut?" She whispered. Her eyes went down to my throat. My heart raced when her lips touched my skin. She stopped herself before her hand went into my pants. She sighed shaking her head.

"How bout we deal with this later on tonight." She smirked kissing my lips again. I was dazed for a few seconds, but we continued our walk. I like having time with her, but there is something that I still needed answers to. I stopped Saryia and made her look into my eyes.

"I still need to know something." Saryia tilted her head then nodded.

"Why were you so horrible to me when I got here?" She sighed pulling me into her arms.

"I have installed fear into my pets for so long that it became a regular habit. When you got here, I thought that I could easily break you, but you are different." She stroked my hair breathing lightly.

"Your spirit is so strong and free, it overwhelmed me. I went to lengths to bring you to  your knees, but none of it worked. I'm glad I didn't break you." I stared into her eyes with confusion written in my eyes.

"If I did break you, then I would have broken the best part of you." She cupped my chin in her hand.

"The beauty of your spirit is what attracts me the most. I wouldn't dare destroy it. It is the absolute  best part of you my love. Don't you let anyone tell you otherwise. Also if anyone ever calls you a pet, piss them off in any way you can. You are not a pet." Saryia's eyes sparkled in the light coming through the trees. I forgot that old Saryia even existed. This was a new Saryia that loved me for every part of me. She didn't love me only for pleasure, she loved me as a companion, a partner in life. She looked at my face for an expression. I didn't know what to say or think. Her hand stroked my face snapping me out of my thought.

"I know that you are probably in a fight with yourself right now. You don't know if you should go with me or stay with Jamie. I have to tell you this, Jamie never got over Mercy entirely. There might be a part of her that still loves her." My eyes started to get dark. I didn't want to believe that Jamie was still in love with Mercy. She said that she only loved me, and I know she wouldn't fall for Mercy again. Saryia put her hand on my shoulders.

"I just want to warn you darling. I don't want to see you get hurt." After she said that a brown wolf walked up towards us. The white markings on its face made me think about my wolf. This wolf however had white marks under its eyes, going up it's nose and had what looked like a crescent moon on it's head. It bowed its large head to Saryia. I smiled it was Odin. I looked at Saryia. She smiled and nodded.

"Go ahead and play. Odin, have the pack back in the bunkers by dinner, and please take a shower before you guys come to eat with us." He bowed his head again. I took off my shirt, pants, shoes, and underwear handing them to Saryia. I formed into a wolf and ran off with Odin to get the pack.            

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