Chapter 9

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I wake feeling sick but well. I look around. I’m in my room. The time is 3:50pm. I bolt up knowing that I had a deal with Scully but I try to move. My wrists are handcuffed to the poles. “Morning May, Do you feel better.” I turn and see Mr Sky at my bed side “Sorry for Rick but he knew you try something to keep him out of this” his face is calm but in his eyes are full of worry.

“Where is he” I look around hoping Rick was beside his dad but no sign.

“Rick is gone to capture Scully with Star and Tracy” he looks at me with a sad look in his eyes “Star looks like you so we had to take out her streaks and put some make up on her and she looks so much like you, oh sorry I forgot” he took out a key and unlock my handcuffs from the poles. “Sorry, Rick again, he wanted you to stay safe but I told him I would stay with you.” He smiled.

I look at the clock 3:55pm “How long have I slept” I look around for a sign for the day because I could still make it.

 “2 days they left yesterday, sorry May you won’t get them now.” I feel tears coming but I had to be strong. “May listen I wish I could stop him but he put me in handcuffs also. He told Sunshine to let me out once they left the ground but I was more surprise about the sleeping drug he gave you and also how long he stayed with you”

“What, he stayed with me? for how long?” I was surprise he stayed with me; if I had done that to him I would never return, it would be too unbearable.

“Yes till his flight was ready he kissed you then left you and me handcuffed, lucky Sunshine never forgets because 5 minutes later she came in and unlocked me. She left the key for me to unlock you.” He stands and holds out a hand “Come on you must be hungry” I smile so I don’t show the real sorrow that I am holding inside.

He waits till I get changed. When I finish changing we walk down the corridor. “Terry told me that you are a good fighter like your mum I would love to see with my own eyes if that was not a problem” I smile and just nod knowing if I talk I might crumble. “If you want, my family is having dinner in the dinning room, you want to join us?”

“Yes that would be fine, if it is ok with your wife” I look at him knowing that he knows Hillary hates me and would do anything to get her own way.

“Hillary won’t be with us, it will be just you, Alex and me.” His smile fades. “Alex knows about spies but doesn’t know about her brother and what has happen, no one does” I see tears falling from his cheeks “she is so young and I don’t want her to know, not now maybe once she is your age” he looks at me and the only thing I can do is comfort him by put an arm around him. “Listen May I know Rick wanted to introduce you to Alex but if you think it is too soon I can ask her to eat with...”

“No I think it would be ok for me to meet Alex, I might give her some company” he smiles and takes me to the dinning room. It is beautiful like the first time but no flowers and no name tags.

“I will go and get Alex, she should be ready, please sit down” he walk off and out of the dinning room. I try and avoid sitting in the chair I sat in last time. I hear running but I just sit in the opposite seat from the one I sat from.

The doors burst open and a small girl runs in. Her hair tied in a ponytail and her hazel eyes sparkle as she appears. “Where is Richard dad” she turns to see her dad walking calmly through the door.

“He is on a mission and might not be back for a few weeks” I know he is trying to keep his daughter happy and smiley.

“Who is she” she looks at me with curiosity. “I know you from somewhere, oh yes you were at the meal and Rick kissed you but also drugged you with a sleeping drug” she must be the brains of the family by the way she speaks so she might not need telling if she is that intelligent.

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