"How do you remember me?" He pulled at his blond beard. "I was there when you were born." I was amazed at how much Lucas resembled Dad in almost every way despite the fact that Lucas was all muscles. "You wanna see your niece and nephew Lucy." I gasped. "I have a niece and nephew!?" I asked joyed. He nodded. Two people walked in my nephew looked possible 14 or 15 while my niece looked 11 or 12. "Don't just stand there give me a hug!" I said old and actually felt old thanks to them. "My name is Kai and my little sister is Mai." They were beautiful Kai had spiky blue hair while Mai had blond hair.

"Sorry my wife couldn't come she was in the hospital with the baby." A baby...I touched my stomach just thinking about it. "What's their names?" I asked smiling. "My wife's name is Akari and the new baby who is a girl is Rin." I smiled just thinking about meeting the family that I missed and dreamt about meeting. It finally came true with a lot of surprises. "Lucas?" I called. He turned from talking to Grandma and Mom.

"Would you like to walk down the isle with me along side my soon-to-he father-in-law?" I asked. He smiled big. "Why wouldn't I?" I smiled at his enthusiasm. "Lucy you have 5 more minutes." Mr. Dragneel announced. "Alright ladies. This is the big day! I have to make this the best day of Lucy's life!" Levy yelled. I smiled at Levy's words. Yes...best day.

The vail covered my face as Lucas and Mr. Dragneel helped me out if the wheel chair I was actually getting feeling back in my legs but I had to wear all white sparkling slippers to match my dress. The song "Like I'm Gonna Lose You" by Megan Trainor ft. John Legend. (Play the song) Levy was my maid of honor but she didn't walk down the isle with Gajeel but with Gray who was Natsu's.

It followed like this Erza and Jellal.

Juvia and Gajeel.

Lisanna and Rouge.

Yukino and Sting.

I squeezed Mr. Dragneel's arm and Lucas's arm. They looked at me. "You love him right?" Mr. Dragneel asked me. I nodded. "Yes I do." I replied. "Then don't worry if you love him and he loves you then don't worry." Lucas said. The nervousness slowly faded away thanks to those two. "OK!" I cheered. Wendy was in front of me as the flower girl along with Romeo the boy that was Wendy's "friend" he was the ring bearer. Lucas gave me the bouquet of white peonies that had a beautiful white bow on it.

Wendy turned around and smiled at me in her adorable light blue dress. The doors opened and the music continued on. Everyone stood as I made my appearance. I took one step in and Wendy threw the petals out they were light blue than was mixed with white. Halfway I saw smiles that I immediately recognized like Mira and Coach Laxus, Elfman and Evergreen, and many others that would take to long to answer. As I stared out I saw my mother and Layla who was waving brightly at me.

I could see Natsu as his eyes widened at my appearance and they soon soften. I couldn't take my eyes off his. Step by step I got closer towards him until Lucas and Mr. Dragneel let go of me and I'm staring right at Natsu. He took my hands and slightly squeezed it. (Not gonna go into full detail.)

"Lucy Heartfilia do you take Natsu Dragneel as your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health. So as long as you both shall live." The priest said. "I do."

"Natsu Dragneel do you take Lucy Heartfilia as your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health. So as long as you shall live." The priest said once again. "I do."

Romeo brought us the rings and Natsu placed the diamond on my left ring finger and I placed the other diamond on his left ring finger. "Now pronounce you man and wife...you may now kiss the bride." Natsu lifted the vail that covered my face back and looked at me. His hand caressed my cheek as he leaned down kissing me. I heard claps everywhere. "I love you Natsu." He picked me up bridal style. "I love you too Lucy." We walked out along with the others.

I stood on the side and had the bouquet of peonies in my head I turned around. I soon heard the screams as I was about to throw it. "1....2....3." I threw it backwards and soon heard a gasp. Someone was pushing through and their appeared Wendy with the bouquet in hands. I smiled and hugged her tightly before kissing her forehead. "You deserve it." I said to her. She smiled as Natsu and I entered the car. We drove to the reception area and it was beautiful especially the cake. Everyone arrived and everything just felt good. The cake was cut and everything.

Natsu had told me that we were leaving for Fiji in the morning and staying there for 3 weeks. I knew Natsu was gonna find out sooner or later but I didn't know how he was gonna react...so I kept it a secret.

1 month later-

Everyone was at the airport with us as we were sending Natsu off. "Natsu..." He turned and looked at me. I smiled sadly at him. He walked over towards me hugging me. "I'll be back Lucy...I promise you that." He said. He touched my forehead with his forehead. "Be safe." I said. "You too Luce." He kissed me one last time and then headed for the plane. I hugged Layla and my mom. "Mom...I have to tell you something." She smiled before touching my shoulder. "You're pregnant aren't you?" I looked down. "Don't be sad sweetie I'm not mad at you and I can understand you didn't want to tell me." She kissed my forehead. New beginnings I guess.

6 months later-

I was rushed to ER as I rubbed my stomach. "Lucy just breathe." Erza said. Sting held my hand as my mom drove. "Just breathe through it." I groaned softly. "Let's get her out of the car." I was picked up and carried inside the hospital. After that everything was blur only when I started screaming it came back to me. A cry perceived the air. I saw pink hair...but it wasn't Natsu. It was my baby girl. "Nashi...I'll name her Nashi." I said fading in and out of consciousness. I soon fell asleep.

An hour later I woke with people still in the room. My mom was holding Nashi. "Mom." She sat up. "Look at how beautiful she is Lucy." She gave me Nashi. I looked at the beautiful pink headed baby she was smiling even though her eyes were shut. "Nashi Dragneel...that sounds beautiful." My mom smiled at me and so did the others. "Nashi...your Dad's name is Natsu Dragneel. He has the same hair color as you. He has light eyes and a toothy grin. He would be happy to meet you soon." I continued to her more as people floated on and out the room making sure Nashi and I were comfortable and ok.

Mr. and Mrs. Dragneel walked in along with Wendy beside them. Mr. Dragneel's eyes glowed in joy. "Look at how beautiful she is....she has Natsu's and your hair." Mrs. Dragneel said. "I'm proud of you Lucy." She continued. "Thank you...I just wished that Natsu was here but it's ok his schooling should be more important." I said. Wendy stood on the other side of me staring at the baby. "Is that my niece?" I nodded. She smiled joyfully. "Did you know that Natsu knew all along?" She said. My eyes widened. "Really?" She nodded. "He said that his happy to have a daughter that's healthy and a loving and caring wife." I felt tears welling in my eyes. "Natsu...thank you."

...this is the last chapter of the official story but next will be the Epilogue thanks for sticking here guys.

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