Chapter 14.

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I woke up and went downstairs to see Chaylin and Amaya sleeping on a air mattress and Kayden was cuddled up with Cha on the couch.

We had such a good time last night that everyone decided to spend the night, including my mom.

My mom and Ms. Sheila had somewhat of a break through last night since they sat down and actually had a conversation with each other. Ms. Sheila explained why she felt like she had to stand up for me at the rehearsal dinner and my mom totally agreed.

They talked and laughed for hours and even played with all of the kids.

I took out a frying pan and sat it on the counter before going over to the refrigerator.

I took out eggs, cheese, and some left over ham and decided to make omelettes for everybody. As I went to start the coffee maker I felt a hard smack on my butt and instantly laughed.

"Good morning August."

"Morning baybeh." He said as he leaned up against the kitchen counter.

"Why are you up so early?" I questioned as the coffee began to drip into the coffee pot.

"Our kids wouldn't go back to sleep. It's like they knew you weren't in the room." He chuckled.

"Aww my babies." I laughed. "Is Kennedy still sleeping?"

"No she woke up in a bad mood too."

I laughed and mixed the eggs together before putting them in the frying pan.
Once all the omelettes were done I went upstairs to get Kennedy and to get ready for the day.

I walked in and turned the light on in her room as she stood up holding the side of her crib sucking her thumb.

"Good morning princess." I said as she laughed and smiled.

"You ready for the day?" I asked as she shook her head yes.

After I gave her a bath and got her dressed I carefully brushed her curly hair into a puff ball. I carried Kennedy downstairs since she hasn't learned how to climb stairs yet and sat her in her high chair.

As she ate the cereal I gave her I watched Aug pour two glasses of orange juice.

"This is nice." I smiled.

"Having everyone here?"

"No, well yes. But this moment right here is perfect it reminds me of how we used to be before the twins and the stress of our jobs and even the wedding. Just me, you, and Kennedy."

"Yeah this is nice too bad it won't last long." Aug sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"What's for breakfast Aunt Lani?" Amaya said as Aug laughed.

"That's what I meant."

We hadn't even been enjoying peace and quiet for 15 minutes before the whole kitchen was filled with people and small baby cries were being heard from upstairs.

Luckily my mom and Ms. Sheila asked everyone if they wanted to go shopping to give me and Aug some alone time and they agreed.

By the time everyone had left I was too tired to even speak. I laid on the couch with Aug as I played with his hair.

"You may not have realized it but I didn't give you your gift yesterday." Aug started.

"I realized it."

Unbreakable. (Sequel to Unconditional Love.)Where stories live. Discover now