Chapter 28.

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A/N: Yea I know I updated after a decade, I'm so sorry, but I'm keeping busy.

          I would love thank Sid-Alia_lover, to always give me that last push I need

          to switch on my laptop and start typing.

          so thanks a lot darling! 
          (Do read the A/N at the end too! please!)


" you really __?" Alex asked again making sure, and I simply stared at the paper.
Why would Daren hide it from me?
"Trust me Alex; I don't want to believe any of this as desperately as you do!" Claire almost yelled.
"Okay, I think we should confront him then." Alex stated.
"Yes" I interrupted.
"Yes.... I mean we should confront him, before jumping on conclusions."
"Andy you seriously wouldn't want more of it, you're going to die out of high sugar." Came Daren's teasing voice, as we made our way outside.
"No shit man, I live on sugar." Andy defended.
"Hey Babe, can you check where Cole and Madison are off to?" Claire asked, directing her gaze towards Andy, giving some couplish-secret message.
"They're probably fighting in the backyard." Daren shrugged.
"Just check anyway" Claire insisted.
Andy finally took the sign and left.
"Um.. Daren...." I started, no idea of where it is going to go.
"Yeah?" He said nonchalantly, oblivious to the tension and drank his coffee.
"What's this?" I handed him the papers.
No point beating around the bush, It has to be out in the open.
As soon as he saw the papers, realization dawned upon him and he almost spat his coffee.
Gulping the coffee in his mouth, he said, "H-How did you get this?"
"She dint I did, I dint even want to believe it the first time, but I should have known, who could have been other than you? You knew her and her life better than any of us or in that case even better than Madison." Claire said with an accusing tone in her voice.

"Is it true?" I asked, No I practically whispered.
He sighed, " Yes I did"
I froze. In my place.
He hid Phelp's court orders. He helped him get free.
"Why...?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes.
"I had to hide them, for you Eliza!! To protect you!!" He said.
"Protect me from what?! To let that man who killed my mom out in the open?!"
I couldn't hold it back anymore.
"I was a fucking accident I know!! But he deserved every bit of what he had done!! Since when did you take decisions for my life Daren?!!" I screamed, ignoring Alex's hand trying to hold me back.
"Eliza it wasn't an accident."
That had me to settle down, I snapped my attention to him, "what?"
"It wasn't an accident Eliza, your mom was killed, not by Phelp, by your dad."
Two bombs at a time.
mom was murdered.....By my dad.....who was supposed to be dead.....
"No... not dad, he-he is dead..." I said, not making sense to myself.
"He is not dead Eliza, we had to hide this from you, to give you a normal life..." He said
"We..? Normal life? What are you talking about?" I asked, completely confused.
"You have a brother too Eliza, his name is Konstantin, they're alive, you have a family Eliza!!!" He said in a rush.
Konstantin? It's true! He is my brother!!
"Then where was he all this while?" Alex asked.
"Konstantin was always here to protect you, till the time he and his men had your back, nobody could come near you, but then that accident, then your attack and those texts. We think they are trying to get you to them, because till the time Konstantin is protecting you, they can't even touch you. It's a trap Eliza, and that's why releasing Phelps was important back then, to get information. You're not safe Eliza, you never were."
I felt absolutely numb. He was protecting me. Konstantin is my brother, my real brother.
"How do you know about all this, all this while Daren?" Claire asked.
"It happened when we were in grade 9, Eliza and I were walking past garden near the white tower street, I saw someone following us all that while, after Eliza went home, I decided to wait around her house, That's when I saw some guys surrounding Mrs. Spears and then just about to shoot her, when Konstantin and his men came in and smashed their bones. At that time it was just like watching a cool action film for me, but they saw me watching them, and then there was no going back.
Slowly I learned what we were fighting for, and that's when I came to know about Justin." Daren revealed.
Justin, that's my dad's name. I've seen him on mom's wedding photos.
Of course I've seen his photographs, though mom never talked about him, I stole her wedding album. I've not really said anything about my dad yet, because maybe even I don't know anything about him. Now I do, and I'm not really liking it.
"Justin?" Claire asked confused.
"My dad." I said.
"So what do we have coming for us?" Alex asked determined.
"Not for us Alex, You all are staying away from this, It might be dangerous!" I said knowing I sound so stupid.
Daren and Konstantin have protected me all my life, and now I want to do this alone? Can I even make it through alone?
Mom even gave up her life to protect me.
"It's Forever or Never Eliza, remember?" Claire reminded me.
I smiled and nodded.
"It is." I said, and hugged her.

Just then the door burst open, and Andy came in huffing, and breathing heavily, a thin stream of blood pouring out from his forehead.
Wait what?!! Blood????
"Andy?!!" Claire screamed in horror,
"What happened?!" I screamed when he suddenly fell.
Andy looked up slightly, trying to form words, but failing miserably.
"They're...... gone......, they took Cole.... and.. and..... Madison." Andy spoke taking deep breaths.

They. Are. Gone.



So like every book has an end, this one has it too. 

'Forever or Never' will end in the coming few chapters. 

I know it's sad, I've learn't a lot many things while writing this. 

And I've planned for some surprise after the end of the book, but You will have to just wait for it. 
I'm giving no commitments for the next chapter, 

It can be tomorrow, next week or maybe next month. 

So please,


and keep encouraging me to write more! I love you guys! 

Xx Khush xX

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