chapter 7.

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*This chapter is in bits, so don't get confused, when you jump from one scene to other*



I woke up sweating and breathing heavily. I've been getting nightmares about that night since a long time now. That annoying grin, and the haunting voice. I couldn't see his face because of the dark, but the part of his nose and lips that was illuminated, and that tatoo on his neck half covered with the hoodie, just keeps on haunting me, again and again. Coming here is somewhat not helping me. Though I know it's just the first night.
Sitting a bit straight on my bed, I stretched my hand and switched the lights on.
3:30 am, my mobile showed.
There is no point trying to sleep again. So I got out of bed, and headed towards the kitchen.
Just then I heard some noises.
"Yes sweetheart, I'll be there in a week or so, I ___" she paused briefly. It was Carmen, but who was she talking to?
"I know it's a long time, but you have to trust me on this" she sounded pissed.
After sometime she spoke again.
"I don't care" she snapped and hung up, I thought as there was no conversation then.
I entered the kitchen, and she looked as if she was caught murdering someone.
"What?" I asked in a bored tone. I cannot ask her straight away, I have to find out what she is up to.
Is she cheating on Ren again ?
"n-nothing" she said, and moved out of the kitchen.
I made a glass of hot milk, and went on the backyard of the house.
The backyard was on the opposite side of the sea, but it was still very cold outside, because of the wind.
I sat on the sand, and bought my knees close to my chest, the hot milk and the sound of the waves from the back were soothing me a bit, and the memories of the nightmare fading.
Suddenly, I felt warmth over my shoulders, which was a blanket, put over me by Alex.
" jetlag ?" he asked.
"Nightmare" I said.
" want to talk about it ?" he offered.
I smiled " nothing much, just the same, and now, a new face is added" I sighed. I made friends with nightmares long time ago, I knew they were not going to leave, so i started to live with them.
" you've been getting them since a while?" he asked.
"Years to be precise" I said.
He stayed silent.
"My mom used to say, if you do good to others, good things will come finding your way" I said after a while.
In moments like this, I talk to myself, but I've got a listener right now.
" she always did good, you know, helped everyone, and a drunk man came finding her, and took everything from her, and from me" I laughed a humourless laugh.
I felt Alex's hand brush one stray tear, which I realised had just fallen.
" it's going to be alright" he said. Of course, everyone till now says that.
"I guess" I said.
we stayed there in silence, just sat there, in our own thoughts, I had no idea what he was thinking, but I decided to keep quiet.
"How are you doing?" I asked, after some time.
" fine, why ?" he seemed confused.
"It must be difficult, seeing someone in that situation, and helping them, it needs courage" I said. I would have been terrified, if I would have seen anyone, just lying at the side of a road. I would have been shocked.
He half smiled.
" I'm actually glad, I saw you there, if it would have been more late..." he trailed off.
"See the bright side, Eliza, yes I know whatever happened was not fair, but the future still remains. You've got Daren, and all your friends, who actually care for you" he said, trying to cheer me up. I know, and I'm very lucky to have such great people, who are just as my family.
I smiled.
"And now, I've got you" I smiled.
He smiled too, and we went back to our blissful silence.

Somewhere, did I remember, not going to bed again, but when I woke up, I was anything but surprised.
Alex and I fell asleep, in the backyard. My head was lying on his thigh and he was still sleeping with one of his hand over his face.

I took some time, to look at him properly. His well defined cheek bones, and his long eye lashes, the hard jaw. He is a fine man.
Then, I understood the advantage of this situation, and ran inside the house.
When I came back, he was still sleeping.
I lifted the bucket of water, and splashed it on his face and chest. He jumped suddenly, seemed scared and surprised. And then he glared at me.
I gave him an innocent smile, "wakie!" I said.
and heard, Daren enjoying the whole scene from his room balcony, I looked up, and he was standing shirtless, his six pack abs visible, I stood properly, and gulped.
He was just enough to distract me, distract me so much, that I did not realize, when Alex got up, and spilled the remaining water from the bucket on me. And I was soaked.
"You!" I said.
I picked up a fist of sand from the ground and threw it on him. Too mature, I know.
"ha !" i said and stuck out my tounge.
"game on" Alex smirked.
He lunged towards me, and I screamed with excitement.
I started running around the house, and he was chasing me.
Soon we were outside the mansion and I was running towards the water.
The slimy watery sand, made me lose my balance and I tripped over my back, but I never touched the ground.
Instead I tripped over Alex, as he tried to reach out for me to keep me from falling. My back was on his chest, and my arm had a mere sting.
I gasped as Alex flipped us, and now he was on the top and I was beneath him, but facing each other.
The look on his face was filled with worry.
"Are you okay?" he asked not getting off me.
"Y-yeah" I said.
I don't know why I was nervous. Maybe he being so close to me made me nervous.
And then he got off me, and I realised I was holding my breath.
He took my arm and brushed off the sand stuck on it, and then we returned to the beach house.
"yes Madison I know, it's no fun. She is creeping me out. But there is something fishy, who will she call at 3:30 in the morning?"
"Wait, what were you doing at '3:30 in the morning' " she immitated my accent, and sighed. "Yeah, the nightmares" she added.
"For the first time, i can't wait to come back" i sighed.
"Well then I'll have to do something about it" she said.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Nothing, i'll hang up now, try to chill out" Maddy said, sympathetically.
"Yeah i will, bye" and i hung up.
The rest of the day was nothing important. We were all suffering from lack of sleep, so we decided to just rest.
Alex and Darren were lazing at home, and I decided to check out the Spa  that was at a 10 min   distance from the beach house,
as I was walking my way to the house, feeling so calm and fresh, I started feeling alert.
Like someone was following me.
"Hello again"
said a voice, I could just not forget.
I slowly turned around,
my heart beating one thousand miles per hour.
I felt the blood drain out of my head.
It was him !

A/N :
cliff-hanger !
Any guesses who is 'him' ?
Don't be a silent reader !
All types of opinions are welcome.(till they are not abusive)
guys, I really need some encouragement for this book to go on. 
  Please vote ! and tell me about your views for this book. 
I'll be back with another chapter next week !
xx khush xx 

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