Chapter 24.

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A/N:    yeah yeah I know I'm amazing. Here's my super sonic update!!! 

            Remember I asked you'll about their first date, well the time has come.

            but don't forget the fact, that everything in this book, happens for a reason.

            and I'm kind of conflicting, because, I think i'm going to end this book, in the coming, I don't know how many chapters.

So ENJOY, this little sweet bit, of Eliza and Alex. 

I took off again. He was driving me fucking crazy. I pulled him by his collar, standing on my toes, Ignoring his horrified looks and Alex's hands on my waist pulling me backwards. I bought Stan to my eye level.

"My father is dead, D.E.A.D dead okay ? I don't BELEIVE you!" I screamed, and then ran out of that suffocating place, and while I ran I heard Bryce holding Stan back and saying,

"Let her go, she's not ready yet."

Before, about some months ago, I was aware who I was.

I mean, I knew my name was Eliza Spears, And I knew I dint have a family, and I knew I was born as a law-abiding citizen of the States.

But now, my whole existence is in question.

I don't know what country I am from, when Stan said 'Mom even crossed countries'. And how am I to deal that I have a brother too.

I sat in the car, preparing myself to drive off, when Alex came into view and knocked on the glass window from outside. I gave him a confused look, and he knocked again. He opened my car door, and held out his hand.

"You can't be driving in this state, scoot over." He said.

"I'm fine." I lied.

He sighed and shook his head, and suddenly I was pulled from the seat into his arms, my body pressed into his chest, as if I weighed nothing. I sighed. Not the tingles again. I rolled my eyes as he put me on the passenger seat, and next I know he was extremely close to me, more than my comfort zone. He buckled me up.

As Alex seated himself I became a bit nervous.

"I don't want to go home" I said quietly, looking outside the window to find some peace, as he started the car.
It was still afternoon I guess, surely the longest day of my life.

I looked over at Alex, who was peacefully driving the car. I was beyond amused.

"How the heck can you be so calm and at peace? My nerves are bouncing the fuck out of me, I feel like jumping off a cliff, and look at you, are you sure you're doing business management or taking up 'I'm going to be a saint' course too?." I rambled and he chuckled, that actually sounded like music, after all the drama of the day.

"Clam down Eliza, we are not going home, if that's what you want, and I guess at least one of us has to keep it together here right?" He said, giving me a small smile.

Always the smart Arse.

I sighed, quite loudly and slouched on my seat, took off my heels that, now I realize had left my legs sore, and bought them up till my chest and resting my head back on the seat.

Alex suddenly stopped the car and I looked at him confused, and then suddenly he was over me, and I stopped breathing and then realized that he was tilting my seat back for me. As soon as he was about to pull away from me, I put my arms around his neck and hugged him, real tight. I buried my face in his neck and took in his sent, trying to calm myself down. And clam down I did.

"Sh.. Eliza it's okay. It's all going to be okay." He said, his hands going up and down my head, so soothing.

I pulled away and kissed his cheek. My cheeks instantly heated up as I took in his shocked expression, and he stared between my eyes and my lips. He coughed, and composed himself too quickly for me to respond, and we started riding again.

Somewhere while looking at the trees going by, and thinking about stuff, I drifted off to sleep.

Alex POV:

"Yeah Madison, she is with me, and she is absolutely fine." I assured the girl who was currently giving me death threats.

"She better be, you'd been to get her back! Where are you taking her now?" came her annoyed voice.
"Miss, body guard she is not feeling like going home. What about Daren?" I asked.

"Okay, Yeah He's with Cole and Andy, probably needs some bromance time." The way she said, made me laugh out loud, but I shut up quickly, because I dint want to wake Eliza up.

"Yeah, I'm taking her to my barn, in the south, yeah... meet you in the morning..... bye." I ended the call.

I sighed. Eliza sure as hell knows how to scare the shit of people. She is so reckless she doesn't even think about herself for once. Way to be selfish.

It was kind of funny, when she launched herself on Stan, being all worked up. But I must tell you, all of this is really some serious shit, or so I'm thinking it to be.

When I first saw her sitting with that Konstantin guy, I got a weird feeling inside me, Like I wanted to rip him off from her side, and then I felt scared, as if anyone who comes near her is going to hurt her. I just wanted her to be by my side, I wanted to protect her.

She is like my crisp winter morning, her one gaze, her hazel eyes shining and sparkling while she puts that full blown grin, God! That's enough to bring any man on his knees.

I want to see that smile again, and again and again, and never want a frown to pass her features.

The barn is my favourite place, since childhood, My mom and I built it when I was 10.

In about fifteen minutes we reached the barn,

and I heard A quite loud bang.

"Eliza!" I screamed, now actually scared.


I have seriously prospered with cliff hangers haven't I ? *evilly smirks*

Anyway! the part 2 of this chapter is yet left! 

There is more to Eliza and Alex's sweet nothing. 

haha.. yeah I know I'm evil. 

But I know you'll love me. 

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Love you'll !

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My c00l peeps !

Xx khush xX

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