Chapter 32

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Emma's POV

Everyone was almost gone expect certain people and by that I mean theres Killian, Regina, and I left out of our little group. We have come a along way from where it all started.

~FlashBack Christmas the year before~

I was helping my dad with the tree. Zelena and Regina were helping my mom make cookies. We were going to have big christmas party here at the house and everyone was invited. After my dad and I got the tree I had Regina and Zelena help me decorate the rest of the house. It felt like christmas. It was my second christmas with my parents and my first christmas with all the friends I have made. Belle came over early to help put things up.

"Belle can you hand me that?"

"Sure." She says handing me the snowflake.

"That should do it."

"Wow it really feels like christmas." Regina says.

"Its been awhile since we had one this nice." Zelena says.

"Well your here now and its going to be great."

"Emma, Belle, Regina, Zelena come help frost the cookies." My mom says.

We walked into the kitchen and helped her like she wanted it was so nice and fun. After a few hours it was party time. Neal and his dad came, followed by August, Lily, and Henry. Next was Ruby, Whale, Will, and Granny. Leroy and his friends came to. Marco came and he brought Robin with him. Everyone was having fun all except me. I would be but Killian wasnt here yet. I walked outside and it was super cold. Killian and I have only been dating three months or so. We got together in October after I found Robin. This was the first christmas as his girlfriend. I was shaken in the cold, but I didnt want to go inside. I felt someone put something on my shoulder.

"Swan." I heard someone says.

"Your late."

"Sorry I was getting this." He says.

He hands me and cute square box. When I open it there is a necklace inside. I took it out of the box and smiled. He took it out of my hand and puts it on me.

"Its beautiful Killian."

"Your beautiful Emma." He says.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He says and kisses me.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Now lets get inside." He says.

He stands up and takes my hand and we go inside and have a fun christmas time

A/N  Well its christmas day for me and I wanted to update something for that. So happy holidays everyone!!

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