Chapter 11

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Emma's POV

It was time to go see Lily in New York. I picked up my bag and walked downstairs. I was going all by myself. David and Mary-Margaret or Mom and Dad as I call them now were nervous about letting me go. I went outside and saw some faces ready to say goodbye.

"Emma have a great time." Belle says hugging me.

"Dont forget to bring back souvenirs." August says.

"Take lots of pictures." Robin says.

"Tell me what stores have the best clothes so I can get some." Regina tells me.

"Ok got. Have a great time, souvenirs, pictures, names of stores with best clothes. Anything I am missing?"

"Yeah a goodbye hug for Killian Jones." Killian says.

I walked over to him and hugged him. I didnt want to let him go, but were friends and just that.

"See you all when I get back."

"Bye." They all yell when I got into the car.

It was a long wait for my flight and I was bored. I looked threw my phone at the pictures of me and my friends, me and my family, me and Killian. I couldnt help but think about my mom and how she had lots of friends like me, but lost them over a boy. Non of my friends wanted Killian they all had there own guy they wanted. My thoughts were interrupted by a tap on the shoulder.


"Sorry I didnt mean to bug you. Its just you look like an old friend of mine mixed with the guy everyone wanted." The woman says.

"Really? Who would that be?"

"Mary-Margaret Blanchard and David Nolan." She says.

"Thats my parents."

"Well then its nice to meet you. Im Elsa." She says.


"Where are you headed?" She asks me.

"New York to visit an old friend."

"Have fun. Oh and when you get the chance tell Mary-Margaret and David hi for me would you." She says.

"Sure thing. It was nice meeting you Elsa."

"You too Emma." She says walking away.

About 20mins later I was on my flight to New York. Once the plane landed I headed to baggage clam and looked around. I saw a girl holding that say Baby Emma Swan. I laughed and walked over to her.

"Emma!" She yells hugging me."

"Hey Lily."

"I cant believe your here." She says.

"Me either, but the sign really?"

"Yes really. You will always be my baby Emma Swan." She says.

"Shut up."

We walked into a cab and went to her place. It was a beat down old building.

"Welcome to my home." She says.

"Lily not to be rude but this place is gross."

"I know its the only place that my stupid Ex cant find me." She says.

I looked around and saw toys everywhere.

"You have a kid?"

"Yes and no." She says.

"What does that mean?"

"Yes I have a kid, but no its not really mine." She says.

"You adopted a kid. How old?"

"He is two, but you wanna know something else?" She asks.


"I adopted your son." She tells me.

I couldnt speak. She knew I wanted the baby she went out of the way to get him.

"Lily why?"

"Because I knew how much you wanted him and I know you and Jefferson are friends again. I just thought that maybe you would like to have him when your 18 because to him Im his Aunt Lily." She says.

"Lily I dont know."

"If you dont Im still keeping him." She tells me.

"Whats his name?"

"Henry and your going to love him." She says.

"Ok I will get to know him. When Im 18 I will let you know what I want to do."

I was turing 17 this summer which means after I graduate I will be 18 and have to choose if I want him or not. I text Jefferson so he knew and he told me that it was my choice when Im 18, but he said he didnt want him in his life because he wont be around much longer. He was going to move this summer all the way to Australia and he didnt want the child. He signed his rights over when I put him up for adoption a few years ago. With Jefferson not caring and me thinking about maybe taking my son back a thought stopped me. Would Killian be there for me if I choose this. Wait Emma Killian and you are just friends nothing more. The two weeks with Lily and Henry were fun. This kid was so cute and so sweet. Maybe I will but I have about 1 1/2 years to think. When I got back home I told my mom and dad and they said what every I choose they will support. I told Belle, Regina, Robin, and August who all said its really up to me. I walked along the docks at about 9pm and just sat down in the cold. I felt something being wrapped around me. I looked up and saw Killian. He smiled at me and say down.

"So you met your son?" He questions.


"Whats the matter Swan?" He asks.

"Its just if I take him then what happens to me. No would want anything to do with me."

"Emma thats not true. If you have a kid or not anyone would be lucky to have you in their life." He says.

"I guess, but say you didnt know I had a child and we... You know started to date, but then one day I tell you I have a son. What would you do? Would you leave me?"

"Well what I would do was ask you things about your son and then ask if it would be okay to meet him. To answer the second question No Emma I wouldnt leave you. Any one to leave you because of a child would never know what he would be missing." He tells me.

"Thank you Killian. Im not saying I am and Im not saying I wont, but some guys arnt like you and one might leave or maybe even more will leave."

"Emma if that happens I will hunt them down and hurt them for hurting you." Killian says.


"Anytime Swan." He says.

I put my head on his shoulder and looked out at the water. Killian was so sweet and kind and wanted to kiss him, but Im not going to Im just going to sit here with my head on his shoulder thinking about how he would never leave me.

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