Swords and Magic, Literal and Otherwise

Start from the beginning

"I attacked you two bitches in the forest. Was that also "for the right thing"?" the assassin asked sarcastically. "I mean I certainly see your dead disemboweled body as being for the better but it may not fit your sense of justice..."

"You were testing us. Missions beyond the wall of the village are brutal and you wanted to see if we could be trusted. If we were able to handle it. If the two of us couldn't best you, more so going easy on us, restraining yourself so that we don't get killed, we had no place in this mission. After all, Fifth is known for her lack of maturity and evaluation of risk, she may have as well sent two newbies into such an assignment..." Mana replied. 

That much was apparent, judging from the likes of enemies that Hisako managed to slaughter later on, the assassin must've held back significantly during that brawl, both Mana and Kiyomi did hold back as well and it would've made no sense for someone of the level of Hisako back then to beat a whole group of mercenaries without even getting injured.

"Even more, later on, you made sure that we don't get killed, you risked the integrity and shame of your own body to make sure that we get the aid we need. You did everything in your power to make sure the deal with Hachi goes through and when it didn't you killed every bastard threatening us" the magician added taking her hat off and making a handseal. 

A bright purple light lit up the basement room as the girl pulled out a wand the length of a short sword or a lengthy knife. It had a bright greenish blue gem on the end, something she acquired during the time spent training after Team Oak split up. It didn't have many things special about it, it was quite sturdy and looked magical enough to be used during Mana's performance. The gem on the end could've been used to bludgeon someone but such use was not fitting for the magician's character.

"I just made sure the mission goes through, all I needed from you two was to make sure that the mission is completed!" Hisako shouted out lunging forward and swinging her swords at Mana's face, the magician leaned back successfully avoiding the swing but Hisako's swing continued as the assassin picked up speed using the momentum to boost her force. The girl thrust her wand forward blocking the second strike, her lungs started getting short on air and she wanted to avoid being caught exhausted and winded. A loud clang echoed through the room with the sparks lighting up the angry and determined faces of both young women facing off.

Mana would've stood no chance just fighting the assassin off using her wand, Hisako was buying time, she was using the talking time to get her breath back together acting like she's trying to kill Mana when in reality she was just playing around to make it look like Hisako is fighting for real.

"You saved us after we took on Hachi, you kept on helping us out throughout the rest of the mission even going as far as to save a young man from his life as a slave! You gave him hope for a better life, don't you get that!?" Mana lost her cool throwing cards left and right, those were just simple blade tipped cards, Hisako rolled to the side, blocked some more but two of them dug into the girl's body. The Yoruma grunted and cursed rolling behind a pipe. 

Mana furiously pressed the advantage on, unsealing a whole deck of explosive cards from the pocket space inside her hat and throwing them at the pipe. As the cards cut through steel leaving holes powerful streams of heated steam made Hisako yell in pain and move away from the pipeline.

"I know the kind of person that you are, the real you. You're a kind soul who has been oppressed and called inhuman filth for your entire life who just wants to rebel against everyone who calls you that. You have much love, much care, hurt and pain inside you yet no one sees that and it angers you. So you lash out, try to become an anti-social monster they take you for to fit their expectations, to make them at the very least love this twisted version of you instead!" Mana continued to attack Hisako with blade tipped cards, wearing the woman down from long range. 

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