Of Dentons and Doomsdays

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A trio of colorful characters was making its way through the ending narrow layers of the desert that quickly transitioned into a urbaner and rather ancient surrounding. The change of scenery suggested both a social and a visual change, one left the endless desert of the Land of Wind only to enter a realm ruled by someone else entirely. Where the first one was ruled by the strongest, those who managed to take everything they needed, the second one was ruled by the Sheikh, who just for the sake of simplicity kept a very run in a similar manner ship.

One of these characters was a tall and slim man who almost looked like he was put together from bone and hay. His narrow arms and legs appeared almost skeletal and it would've been a surprise to anyone looking from aside as to how exactly could the man keep himself walking upright, his large round head was covered with a metallic mask that had two very clear details to it: a breathing and filtering apparatus that allowed the man to breathe without getting a mouthful of sand in the desert and large yellow googles that covered half his face. 

The googles also had small little dots that scurried from one point of the yellow glass to another, telling the observer where exactly the wearer was focusing his attention. The man's hair looked nothing fancier than if someone slapped a handful of hay onto one's head and called it a hairdo, it appeared that only the man's large hat let the hair keep from scattering in the wind.

The other one wore a similar hat, with a hole at the back to let the man's long hair flow through it. The hat was meant to protect the man from the Sun and the hair needed no such protection. Differently from his friend the hat which the second traveler wore was a conical hat, whereas the first gentleman wore a more reminding of a cowboy hat accessory. Also setting the second man apart was a large poncho that the swordsman wore, probably where the man's nickname "the Poncho Assassin" came from. 

It was a mystery how this Poncho Assassin didn't sweat to death under that unfitting piece of attire as compared to that of his teammates' which was more ragged, torn up and moderate. The slim friend of the Poncho assassin wore a torn up sleeveless white shirt meanwhile his bearded third friend wore something that resembled an almost Hawaiian shirt but it was soaked in too many different kinds of sauces, vomit and God knew what else to tell for sure.

The third one also wore a strange bandanna with all the different Sheikhate insignia. One may have assumed that such was to blend in wherever the man went but it would've more likely only pissed the locals off. After all, the man wore literally the signs of every Sheikhate and even the symbol of Sunagakure on his bandana. If it wasn't the headset that would've brought the bearded blonde trouble it would've been his terrible smell and an apparent lack of personal hygiene. 

Either that or the man's evident slouch as well as his affinity to snag things before he blew them up, not because he was worried that the owners of these things would come after him, it was just that things tend to blow up around him and they couldn't have exactly been snagged or been of much use after an Earth shattering explosion, could they?

"I think you overdid it with the explosion..." The slim google-man whom everyone called just Denton remarked trying to bring up some manner of small talk with his teammates.

"I mean like... Can we really overdo anything in this life of ours... Like... Is something we overdo just more of our goal or a causality of our failure, or is it the causality of like... Our inevitable demise that like... Follows all of us as a species and is ultimately like... The fruit of our hubris?" The bearded man slurred, still high on Hat'ash he had consumed recently.

"Can I kill him now?" Poncho Assassin grunted, "He traded your projectile knives for drugs, he'll blow the whole fucking Sheikhate up when he gets the chance... Not that he'll wait for one." The man warned.

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