Chapter 26

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I put my things on my nightstand and sat down next to him.

"Can I ask why you're here?"

Wesley nodded but remained silent for a moment.

"I came to tell you that I want us to be friends. I won't lie to you, I kinda hate Demi. This is going to sound stupid but I feel like she took you away from me." I reached out and grabbed his hand. Wesley didn't resist and that surprised me a bit.

"I can see why you would feel that way Wes."

"Did you ever really like me? I know we've talked about this before but I just don't believe you."

"Wes when we first met I did very much like you. I will admit that the reason I said yes to a second date was that I hoped you'd help me get over Demi and I am sorry for that."

Wesley didn't say anything so I decided to keep going.

"For awhile I really was falling for you Wes but deep down it was Demi, it always has been. I'm sorry about the way I said everything that night in your car."

"It's okay I knew you were heated."

"Wes you're an amazing guy and some day you will find a girl that truly loves you."

"I wanted that girl to be you."

"We don't always get what we want."

"You always do."

"No, no I don't Wes. When I was a kid I wanted a father but never had one.."

"That's not what I meant."

"Doesn't matter. Nothing in my life has ever gone my way. Most of my life has been shit. I grew up without a dad, I never felt normal and that led me to cutting. I started purging because I was obese and kids teased me. For fucks sake I was raped as a kid!"

As soon as I said it I regretted it. I'd never told anyone that, not even Katie or Adi. Wesley looked up at me, his face filled with concern and worry.

"Wait what? You never told me that."

I sighed and took a deep breath. I might as well tell him everything. On the bright side Wesley had a way of making me feel better whenever we talked about my dark past.

"I've never told anyone, until now."

"Why didn't you tell your mom? Or call the police?"

"I was ten and I didn't know what to do."

As I began to remember the horrific incident my eyes started to feel hot and watery. Wesley let go if my hand and instead wrapped them around me. I dug my face in his chest and let the bullets fall. We didn't speak for awhile, Wesley and I just sat on my bed while he held me. I will admit it felt nice being in his arms, I always felt safe in them.

"Can I ask what happened?"

I nodded.

"You don't need to tell me of it's too painful or if you're not ready to tell anyone."

I took a deep breath and released myself from his arms. Wes reached out and I let him hold my hand.

"It's fine. I mean I trust you."

Another deep breath as I tried not to break.

"I was ten and it was my mom's boyfriend at the time. It was late at night and I was in my room. I heard him come in and asked what he wanted. He told me he just wanted to talk. I asked him to go away and he didn't."

I closed my eyes and saw him. His slick,black hair and the dark,twisted expression on his face. I felt Wes squeeze my hand and I opened them.

"Anyways, as he got closer I started to feel very uncomfortable. Then he touched my legs and then my breasts. I told him to stop or else I'd sream."

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