Chapter 9

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"What's this?"

"I've missed 16 birthdays and I'm making up for them." I opened it and it was a new phone. A droid razor. "You're in our family plan now. Your phone is pretty ancient so here's a new one." I have to admit it was pretty freaking cool. Luis tossed me another one and it was a new computer. A Mac book air.

"No way! I've always wanted one! This is awesome." The rest of the presents were amazing as well. Okay the affection that can be bought has definitely been purchased. Demi helped carry my new presents to my room and we put them On my bed. Leo walked in and asked to talk to me in private outside real quick. "Make yourself at home dem. I'll be back in a sec." I walked out and into the hallway. Leo looked serious.

"Is she really just a friend Yesenia ?"

"Yes. She's just a friend. She's straight Leo."

" You don't have to lie. Okay, she's just a friend. But when you actually have a girlfriend it's okay to tell us. And be sure to because you'll have to keep your door open whenever she's here. Same goes for boys except boys are only allowed in the living room. Luis has the same rules for girls and Jessica with boys." He gave me a hug. This time I hugged back. The man gave me a range rover, a Mac book air, and a droid razor among other nice things. I can't not hug him.

"Okay I got it. She is just a friend." He smiled and said okay. Then he turned around and left. I walked back in to see Demi laying stomach down on my bed watching tv.

"What was that about?" I wasn't completely sure Demi knew I was bi yet. I mean her family knew. I told them the day after I met them. They were all okay with it. Had they told Demi? I figured that they did and just told her the truth.

"Leo thought you were girlfriend because you held my hand haha." She laughed too and sat up.

"Well I've been meaning to tell you that I'm like in love with you." She winked and laughed.

" I mean how can you not be I'm a total babe magnet." She laughed and I sat next to her. I'm glad we could joke around without it getting awkward. She didn't bring up my purging again so I offered to watch a movie.

"Which one? " I told her she could pick which I regretted not long after. She ended up choosing Mama(the movie about the lost kids that's like really scary). I went downstairs to see if we had popcorn. I made some and grabbed two sodas and some jellybeans. I went into my room to find that she'd made herself comfortable and wrapped a blanket around herself. " I love scary movies but I'm a total wimp." I smiled and went to lay down next to her. We shared my blanket and we started eating popcorn. The beginning wasn't very scary. And that's coming from me. I can't even watch scary movie 3 without covering my eyes! During the beginning I hadn't even realized that she put my arm around her. How could I not notice that. I sure hope Leo didn't come in. Then he'd never believe we were just friends. Midway through the movie she started feeding me jellybeans. She missed about 90% of the time because she was too busy watching the movie. I wasn't too focused because I kept analyzing my current situation. My arm was still around Demi and now her right hand was resting on my thigh. It was insanely close to my sex and I was freaking out. Was she being like this on purpose? She knows I'm bi. Why is she being this touchy-feely with me. Near the end of the movie she rested her head on my shoulder and let my arm fall to her waist. I thought she'd say something but instead she grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. Seriously?! Why is she doing this to me?! I could feel my palms start to sweat so I pulled my arm back which made her sit up straight. She looked a little confused at first but then I told her I had to go to the bathroom. I walked in and splashed some cold water on me. 'Calm down Yesenia. She doesn't mean it like that. She's just touchy-feely ,you have friends like that back home. Alondra was super touchy-feely. It means nothing just relax.' I walked back into my room and she smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine just a little tired. I didn't get much sleep last night." Her smile faded and turned into a frown.

"Do you want me to go so you can sleep?"

"No! it's okay I mean we haven't even finished the movie." She laughed and pointed to the tv which was playing the end credits.

"It ended while you were in the bathroom." We laughed and then decided I pick the second movie. I picked a movie I hadn't seen in awhile.

"The lucky one? Are you trying to seduce me Yesenia?" She said playfully and winked. If only I could.

"No I just haven't seen it in awhile and I wasn't in the mood to see another scary movie."

"Suuurrreee. We both know you're trying to make a move." I went downstairs to get some water for us and ran into Luis.

"Hey man whats up?"

"Not much just doing some hw. What about you?"

"Watching a movie with Demi." He smiled and winked at me.

"Sure. Your 'friend' Demi."

"Why the air quotes around friend?"

"She's hot sis. You have good taste." He laughed once more and walked away. Did everyone in my family think I was with Demi? I'm not lucky enough for that. Or pretty enough. I shook my head and headed upstairs and jumped on my bed.

"Woah there." I laid down next to her and as I expected she put my arm around her.

"Who's seducing who Demetria?" She looked at me and scoffed.

"As if hobbit! I just like to cuddle." I don't know what in my mind made me do it but I did.

"That's not cuddling Demi. This is." I grabbed her and made her sit in between my legs and wrapped both of my arms around her waist. I expected her to move back to where she was but she just stayed there and pushed play. About halfway she scooted downwards so her head rested on my chest. My heart instantly sped up and I thought I'd hyperventilate. She started throwing popcorn at me at one point and we ended up having a popcorn and jellybean war. Once I surrendered we look at my room which was a complete mess. "You're helping me clean up Demetria."

"Don't call me that. You sound so formal as if we haven't been cuddling for the last hour." It was the first time we sat in awkward silence. She broke it and started cleaning up. "Where's your vacuum?" I actually didn't know.

"Um I don't even know I'll go ask Linda or Jess."

"Okay I'll just keep picking up." I walked out and into Jessica's room.

"Hey Jess do you know where the vacuum is?"

"Yeah it's in the closet down the hall."

"Okay, thanks sis." I knew she smiled when I called her sis. I had nothing against Jess or Luis anymore. They've been super cool to me and I've been sort of a bitch. I got the vacuum and went back to my room. After we were done picking up Demi said she had to leave so I walked her to the door. She said she had a great time and said bye. Again I don't know what drove me to do it but I did. I pulled her arm towards me which made her crash into my arms. I hugged her tightly and inhaled her sweet aroma. "I had fun too Demi." She hugged me just as tightly and smiled when we pulled apart. She said she'd text me later and pulled out of my driveway.

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