19. I'll Drown In the Rainfall.

Start from the beginning

"You're always such a goodie. That is why it was so much fun to flirt and seduce you. Saving yourself for Adelina," Tessa laughed echoed through the room before she continued.

"I knew you would cave. You are weak. You are a weak excuse for a human being." Tessa lifted his chin so that Daniel's eyes were peering directly into hers.

"You deserve everything you get from here on at." She spat in his face before dropping his chin.

Tessa looked behind her and saw that there was some 'toys' spread across a table in the room. She strutted over to the table and looked up at Falentine.

"Do you have a suggestion on what might be fun to use first?"

Falentine strolled over to the table and grabbed a few items that he thought might interest her.

"You can use this whip with the glass on the ends, but we will need to move him away from the wall for that." Falentine motioned for the guards to come and adjust the boy.

Daniel struggled as they grabbed his arms and hoisted him off the wall and into the middle of the room. He cried out in agony as they lifted his body off the ground, where his feet barely touched.

"Wh-y? Why are you doing this Tessa," His voice was hoarse once again. Tears began to stream down his face as the pain began to set in and his arms throbbed.

"I think the better question here is why not?" She said as she walked behind Daniel with the whip in her hand.

Tessa held onto the whip tightly as she lifted it up and let the whip guide her. The sound of it cracking against Daniel's body echoed as did Daniels screams. The sound brought a new glee into Tessa and she let the whips come faster and stronger. She kept going and going until she saw Daniel's body sag.

"Ah, what no more playing?" Tessa taunted.

"I think you had your fun, Tessa. We don't want to kill the poor boy, Yet." Falentine said as he grabbed the whip from her hand.

He nodded to the guards and they came and let Daniel fall to the floor. Daniel's body was bleeding profusely and his body was crumped onto the floor. He had been conscious still, but barely. The guards lifted him by the arms and began to drag him back to his cell.

"Wait," Tessa said as she walked forward towards Daniel.

"You know, Adelina doesn't know about us yet. How do you think I should tell her Daniel? Or maybe you should be the one to tell her hmm? Or better yet we can tell her together!" She stated with glee.

"Falentine, can we bring my sister down here after we clean him up? I think it is time she knows the truth of who her dear boyfriend is."

"That is an excellent idea. I will have Asmund bring her up soon. Let me get the doctor down here first to heal him up a bit." Falentine grabbed his phone and walked out of the room, leaving Tessa with Daniel, who the guards were still holding.

"You see, she will forgive me. After all, I am her sister. I don't know if she will be nearly as forgiving with you. Her long-time love who she only had eyes for betrays her! Quite the scandal don't you think? Make sure you tell her that I just beat the shit out of you too! I am sure she will love hearing all about this." Tessa whispered into his ears. Daniel let out a painful moan as he realized what she had said.

"Y-o-u are e-v-il," Daniel whispered, wincing through the pain with every sound.

"Am I now? Well if that is what this is, I sure do like it! Let me let you in on another secret, Daniel. Soon, very soon, Falentine tells me a great ritual will take place. He tells me I will get to have even more fun with everyone very soon. I can't tell you much but I can promise you, we will get a chance to have some more fun together." She whispered the last part into his ear.

"Go take him to be cleaned up. I want him looking his best for my sister." Tessa said to the guards letting a dark chuckle escape her lips.

Falentine walked back into the rooms as the guards dragged Daniel by the arms through the opposite door.

"Your sister will be down here soon. The doctor should be waiting in Daniel's cell to get him cleaned up."

"Thank you for all this." She leaned into him letting him engulf her with his arms.

"You don't need to thank me. I am glad I can watch you grow and become who you were meant to be." Falentine rested his chin on the top of her head.

"I do need to thank you, though. If it wasn't for you I would still be stuck in that town. I'd never have known the truth about who I am or what I was. I probably would have ended up marrying one of those idiots in town and having kids with them. I can't imagine that. So yes, I am the one who is thankful for you. You saved me. I've learned a lot from you. And I can't wait for us to stand side by side as we resurrect your father. I can't wait to rule by your side, Falentine. I hope that you want the same." She questioned, not knowing where they really stood.

"I have a lot to show you still. The rituals begin at the end of this week. We have a lot to prepare for and a lot involved. I want you by my side through the rituals, and I hope you are prepared for what is coming, the sacrifices you will have to make?" He asked in a soothing tone.

"I am ready and I will do whatever you ask." Tessa let a smile spread across her face at the thought of the two of them and what kind of havoc they would wreak. She couldn't wait to find out what was next.

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