Christmas is Coming!!

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It was Christmas Eve and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse and wandering through the house we see the children sound asle... *loud cursing from master bed room* well shit who dares ruin this otherwise peaceful night. Seriously my heart almost seized up from that unexpected fright.
Ah its the young female who wishes to please by working as hard as the birds and the bees. She sits up for hours on end typing away on her little Mac friend. Her hair is disheveled she has bags under her eyes but she keeps at it hoping her readers will release a few sigh's. Of annoyance of relief she does not know but she hopes and prays all night and all day that her readers the most loyal like her story enough to stay with her instead of choosing to go.
As she typed in her last word to publish on Christmas day she drifted off to sleep awaiting to publish later that day. When the young writer woke she let's out a shriek much like that of an old hag because her story did not save for her internet did lag.
It was a heart wrenching sight she had four hours till it was time to publish and at the moment she dropped all worry and began to hurry. Typing so fast it was a wonder how her keyboard did not jerk but she did leave a reminder to switch from Time Warner Cable to the better services of Dish Network. And as she was about to finish with minutes to spare she realized that the reminder to publish the story was one day to early.
It was quite so much so you could her a pin drop no matter how low. Then a grin broke out across her facial features from ear to ear as if she was one of those creepy Dr. Sues creatures. She began to laugh and squirm in her seat as if she'd seen the funniest thing and quite frankly it was a terrifying scene. She saved her story and made a second file copy then she rested in bed and slept like the dead. It was a straining ordeal could you imagine how that feels?
I sure couldn't but here's a little joy to keeps you spirits up before I publish the story. It will be your present on Christmas day. So to all this reading have a wonderful day since the exhausted writer decided not to publish today.

He he this took me a while and it came when i woke up in bed but I just wanted you to know what lied ahead.

So yeah your present will be a long chappie or well as long as I can make it.

Love Florisama

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