Chapter 3: The Bestfriend

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Cyans P.O.V

I get to Ashton's house after leaving Drake. Ashton is my BGFFL (best gay friend for life). He always knows how to cheer me up.

I met Ashton when we were in elementary. Back then I thought he was straight and then around sixth grade he came out to me. I was so confused at first and then he explained how he found out. After that I accepted him with such joy and excitement and we have never been closer than we were then. We tell each other every thing especially about our love lives. So I knew I could count on him to show me what was a good choice for my life to help me move on.

"Ashton thank goddess you're home I really need your help." I said with a loud whine and whimper. "Oh honey I am never too busy for you you're my bae for life. I choose you over Luke any day." He said like a true friend.
>Luke Blomquist is Ashton's boyfriend. They have been dating since the seventh grade. We're currently sophomores in high school at this time. When Luke, who is a junior, turned 18 he was ecstatic to find out his boyfriend was also his soul mate. Luke had failed on purpose as per my fathers request to look out for me.<
"Let me just call him and tell him why I can't go over, ok?" He asks in a heartfelt manner to which I reply, "ok in a shy manner "I knew I could count on you, you never let me down. I love you so much I'd be lost without you." "Aww sweetheart I love you to, muah" he sends me a little kiss.

After an hour of torturous explaining I finally ask him "Ashton help me I'm so confused its not the first time it's happened, what should I do?" "Dammit Cyan I'm not one to say I told you so but, I did warn you way back when he did this the first time and all you did was melt at his first attempt at an apology, so... I told you so." He said in an apologetic tone.

I called my mom and told her I was staying over at Ashton's house overnight. I really didn't want my mom to worry about me just cuz Drake is an asshole. The next day Ashton gives me some of the spare cloths I always leave here at his house so I can shower. When I'm out I am greeted by a the craziest friend I have ever had and a tray of my favorite breakfast. I say craziest because he is in nothing but his boxers doing a little dance and I couldn't help the burst with laughter that bellowed from me as I watched him do his don't be sad we're going shopping dance. Instead of school we skipped it and spent the whole day at the mall and even stopped by the Starbucks to get two large double chocolate chip mocha caramel frappès. It was our favorite guilty pleasure ~hehe. We stopped in at the theater after he spoiled me rotten with a whole new wardrobe and all new accessories. We watched "Warm Bodies" and had a blast it was so romantic and funny.
>Quickly before anything "Warm Bodies" came out and instantaneously became my fav movie. I love it and my favorite things about it is R's awkward moments and his music.

*********Present Time*********

It is now our senior year and I am still single, well I'm trying to stay single at least until the end of senior year when I'm more in control of my own life and well organized. This plan of mine is proving to be quite difficult since Ashton won't stop setting me up on surprise blind dates. Most of his picks I like but I am trying to stay on track and stick to reaching my goals. I think he finally gave up for now and is going to stop the free matchmaker service for a while, he invites me to a party that's being thrown by Raven Riverblake.

Yes she is drakes little twin sister but she is also my friend even if I can't stand to see her brother anymore that doesn't mean I'm going to end a new friendship over a stupid decision on her brothers part.

I begin to get dressed and put my makeup on as Ashton walks in and says, "jeez Cyan haven't I tought you anything that dress is a big no no! It's a party not a funeral."Okay then you pick," i say in annoyed humorous way. He says "put this one on its sexy, fierce, and describes your personality the way I know it to be." In a fit I put it on while he rushes me and says hurry down Luke and I will be waiting on his car as he slowly departs from my room.

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