Chapter 15: Who would do this?

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Authors Note:

This may be my last update for a while. the summer is coming up though so i will make up for it guys i promise, okay? No. ;-; Well, okay then i understand im just gonna be in the corner and think. Enjoy.

We woke up and got dressed for the day. Today I decided to let him drive me to school. When we got there I was greated by Luke and Ashton in a big hug. That was all over when I felt myself get ripped away from them and I heard the culprit growl a very low menacing growl and snarl at them. I turned around and hit him on the arm.

"Behave Victor this is Ashton and his mate Luke." He breathed in my scent to calm himself down and then apologized for his actions.

The rest of the day was great after all the drama from this morning cleared up. except I kept getting a creepy 'I'm being watched feeling' all day after that. I know it wasn't Victor because we have every class together and he never let me sit more than 1-2 feet away from him. oh goddess he is so possessive and you can call me a freak but I can't be the only one that finds that sexy as fuck. I mean can you blame me. Eight pack, tan skin, luscious lips and a rock hard chest not to mention a tight perky ass to match an last but certainly not least eyes that could put Houdini in a trans. Oh what I would do to h- oh bad Cyan no, shake away the dirty thoughts from your head! Oh focus who could be watching me?

Mystery Stalker P.O.V (short)

I awoke this morning as happy as ever when i thought about seeing her.

even if she was just denying our bond i will never give up on her. If all goes right today then my plan to make her mine will be set in motion. I've had some of my pack members watch her for weeks now looking for her most vulnerable moment. Looking for the perfect time to act. the signal to set my plan in motion was a simple as leaving a note and waiting in the shadows for the fireworks. I have very discretely been watching her from the moment she showed up on campus with that piece of shit boy that has tricked my poor sweet Cyan into thinking they are mates, but i know the truth. before the end of fourth i used an excuse to leave class early so i could place the first note. It was simple since my class was fairly close to her locker. I wanted to admire the plans beginning for a moment but couldn't. I heard two voices coming so i mentally slapped myself and ran towards the restroom to hide. i came out as the bell rang and the hallways filled up with students complaining about how they're next class is either 'gonna be so fun', 'a big pain in the ass', and how 'they cant wait to get home.' ugh dumb-asses. i smiled at the idea of Cyan for a moment then left in the direction of my next class.

Cyan's P.O.V

It wasn't until school was over till my suspicions were proven when I found a note tapped to my locker.

It read, 'My dearest sweet Cyan, you are mine and mine alone. We are mates and I will be coming for you. I have been watching you and ever since you left me I have been planning this moment so be prepared for when I come to get you. Nothing and no one will be able to stop me. -Love your TRUE MATE.'

I shouted Victors name and he was at my side in a heartbeat. He was frantically rubbing my back and kissing my forehead cooing sweet nothings in my ear trying to calm me down. he rubbed away some tears that i hadn't even noticed were spilling while asking me if I was hurt. Through all my tears I couldn't speak so I just held up the note. I could tell he was confused at first but then I felt his rage building up and mind linked his pack to be on high alert for any rouges and to capture every single one alive for interrogation and he even told them to watch out for anyone that looked suspiciously at his or my pack.

He told me to do the same. My father heard word of my distress and from what I saw when victor took me home he was furious and worried. He rapidly rushed to me and asked me if I was alright. Victor growled protectively and buried his face in my hair breathing in my scent to calm himself down.

"Daddy I'm fine victor was with me all day he never left me alone and he even has his pack on high alert to protect me."

"But why? You are staying here."

"Listen Robert with all due respect my pack is bigger and stronger. I believe she will be safer with me."

"Absolutely not she is staying  with me I am her father!"

"And I am her mate! Our packs will have to merge soon enough anyways so I want mine to meet their future Luna it's kind of a win win situation. Your Beta has yet to pass down his title. He can watch over the pack while she is with me. Please I just couldn't imagine losing her."

"If that is what she wants then I will allow it but on one condition."


"I can send three of my best warriors to guard her."

"Yes of course that would be excellent."

"Well then we're in agreement, go on then sweet heart pack up some of your belongings and prepare to leave. You will leave first thing tomorrow morning."

"Thank you daddy if you'll excuse me I'll be in my room, Victor come with me please." We were off in a flash and he locked my door and helped me pack up some essentials. Then we laid down to rest in each others arms. At first the only thing that kept running through my mind was 'who would do this?' Then for a moment the world seemed to disappear and we drifted off and let darkness consume us both.

Authors Note: WooHoo! I'm so happy. I just didn't expect to finish a new chapter so early double upload because i got super inspired but my writers block is back. i know boo right well it happens to the best. im not one of them but hey it still happened. Be expecting longer chapters. Bye for now my little strings. you are what support me and keep me standing tall. (I'm a puppet.)



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