Chapter 14: I couldnt sleep.

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Victors P.O.V.

She accepted me I think. I love this girl she is perfect in every way imaginable. From the tip of her nose to the end of her toes and everything in between, I have been blessed with her as a mate. I love her so much and I wish I could prove it to her some how. Maybe I could ask her to be my official girlfriend at school on Monday or maybe I could just take her to our secret spot and ask her there. I will need to think about this really carefully. Then an angelic voice broke into my head and surprised me pulling me from all thoughts i previously had. I am really hoping I can hold Ajax off for a bit until she is ready because he has tried to break free and mate her countless times, but it is getting more and more difficult. I know that after the first kiss we grow attracted to each other more and more every day, but I can't help it when I think of her I have to jump in the shower and let off some 'steam' but now it's getting much more difficult.

Cyans P.O.V.

OH WHY CAN'T I SLEEP. my cloths feel like a second skin, my body is itchy, and I can't stop thinking of my mate. What is wrong with me.

Why don't you ask him? My wolf is now getting on my nerves

Shut up I wanna sleep now tell me what's wrong because I know you're the problem.

Ugh I just want our mate, just ask him what's wrong he will tell you.

Ok, fine! How do I do that I haven't mind linked in a while so explain it to me.

Fine first you clear your mind, relax. Think of who you want to chat with, then start talking. That's it now talk to our mate we need him.

Okay just shut up and let me concentrate! Geeez just give me a second.

*image of victor pops up in my head*


Victors P.O.V.

"Victor?" it sounds like Cyan. Ah just the idea of her makes me feel warm all over.

"Cyan is that you?"

"Omg I did it! yes yes it's me! Sorry if I woke you I couldn't sleep."

i laughed a little at her excitement. "It's ok, but what's wrong? ARE YOU HURT! DO YOU NEED HELP?!"

"Ha ha, no not really. Well I have a question I need to ask you."

"Phew, okay then ask away I'm always here for you."

"Aww baby that means so much to me... muah" *sends kiss*

"Hmhmhm, okay so what was your question?"

"Oh yeah well it's kind of embarrassing."

"You should never be embarrassed around me I will never laugh at you. Okay? So ask me your question."

"Okay then. it's just that ever since our first kiss al those months ago I have more trouble sleeping at night. My body gets hot, itchy, and I somehow always think of.... well of you and I don't know why, what is wrong with me? I'm kinda scared."

"Hahahahahhahahahahha ooohhhh hahahaaaa oh hold on a minute hahahaaahh!!!! I'm sorry baby I just wasn't expecting that. i swear it will never happen again."

"Well you know what forget it you said  you would never laugh at me so fuck you you asshole!"

"No no no baby come on I'm sorry it's just that you really caught me by surprise. That's all I swear it."

"Well then what's wrong with me? We have school tomorrow and I need to sleep! "

I just sighed with amusement and answered, "baby it's just that when a wolf finds his or her mate they go into heat after the first kiss and it comes back every month even stronger until... well until.." i trailed off thinking of ways to explain this to her.

"Until what Victor?!?!?!"

"Well until you get 'satisfied' my love."

"What do you mean 'until I get satisfied'? What are you talking about?" She replied clearly worried and a little confused.

"Honey umm. well... we have to um.. 'seal the bond or your'" (*clears throat*) 'urges' will get stronger and build up until you can't control it anymore."

"Oh my goddess this is all your fault!"

"Well honey that is a two way street and I could help you get some sleep all you have to do is ask?" i replied a little too confident in myself. Hey don't you judge me im a guy and we have 'urges' too!

"Ugh you perv but come over anyways and sleep with me maybe that will help."

"Okay baby if that's what you want. I'll be over in 10 min. bye baby."

"Bye, oh wait and bring me some chocolate I have a sudden craving."

"Okay bye see you in a bit." With that last send off she broke the link and all was quiet.

Well that was odd but I can control myself its just one night, right? "Ugh this is gonna be one long ass night." i rushed around the room getting my shoes and car keys pondering all the possible places that would be open at one in the morning thinking "damn Cyan the things i do for you! one day she will be the death of me."

Cyan's P.O.V

Oh he's coming maybe I should change into something ugly so we won't be tempted. Hmm that could work.

It's been like 20 minutes where is he? All of a sudden my door creeks opens slowly and in comes victor with my CHOCOLATE! YAY! mental happy dance.

He closes the door and  begins to strip down to his boxers.

"What are you doing?" I whisper a little scared and excited. Stupid mate bond.

"I told you before. I only sleep in my boxers" he whispers back in his husky voice.

"Ugh fine just give me my chocolate so I can sleep." I sighed out in exasperation. Damn it why did he have to be so sexy!

"Fine but fair warning I took a piece of the kitkat bar." He shot back with an evil smirk.

"What why?" I whined stretching out the 'y'.

"I thought it was fair. Do you know how hard it is to find an open store at 1 in the morning out here?" I bit my tongue to suppress a laugh at his exhausted puppy dog face. It was almost too cute.

I replied with a little giggle, "well fine but just come here and cuddle with me. I'm super tired."

"Okay okay" he raised his hand in surrender and added in an 'I'm just as tired as you are' line and crawled into the bed with me.

With that he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled us closer together i though it was kind of weird because i now had a mouthful of chocolate candies in my mouth. He was so warm I squirmed a bit trying to get comfortable but that caused a 'problem' to rise. He just groaned lightly and warned me not to do that again or he might not be able to stop himself next time. I just turned to give him a quick kiss when i finished off my sweet treats and then I let myself drift off into slumber-land for the night. It wasn't as hard as i thought it would be since the rhythm of his chest rising and falling was rocking me to sleep.

Authors note:

Yeah I know it kind of drags on but don't worry new shit gets stirred up in the next couple of chapters, but i wanted to put in a sweat moment between the couple before moving on. (P.S. I also wanted to thank you for putting up with all the short chapters. I love you guys for being awesome.) Vote... comment... share.



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