Chapter 12: Part 2

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"Cyan come to my office." says my dad.
"Yes alpha. Ashton go to my room and wait for me there."

I knock on my dads office door and go in to see the devil himself shaking my dads hand and smirking at me. My dad finally says, "why didn't you tell me about your mate honey. I could have given you the title of alpha way sooner."

Before I could speak Victor beat me to the punch. " Well actually sir, we only met a couple weeks ago."

"Oh we'll that's fine then son." My world came to a screeching hault, SON. What did he just say?

" Oh umm dad you know what Ashton is here and he's wait-" my words were cut off when I found myself pinned to the wall by my wrists and a very possessive arm on my hip.

"WHO IS ASHTON? IM GONNA KILL HIM NO ONE CAN SEE YOU WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" Victor snapped at me and I just whimpered under my breath, "h-h-he's m-m-my b-best f-f-frie-friend." I tear escaped my eye as the pain on my wrist became unbearable. He realized he hurt me and real eased my with tears in his eyes and worry in his voice he begged for my forgiveness multiple times.

"Look Victor, Ashton is my best friend okay besides he has his mate. and don't you ever do that to me again I can see who I want when I want! now I forgive you but if you ever do that again I will not hesitate to reject you. understand?'

"What? wait don't okay I understand. I'm so sorry."

"That's better and dad how could you just sit there and watch that? You are supposed to protect me!"

He just looked at me and apologized then he said it was because Victor reminds him so much of himself when he first met mom.

"Sweetie pie I'm so sorry, but Victor if you ever lay a hand on my daughter again I will personally strip you of you manhood and force you to eat it!"

"Yes sir Mr. Pane. I swear to you that that will never happen again."

"Okay now as I was saying Ashton is waiting so I shall take my leave. I will see you at dinner daddy." I chose not to acknowledge Victor on purpose as punishment for manhandling me. Before I left I caught a glimpse of his regretful face. I mentally applauded myself for that.

~Time skip~

"So now you know why I was all weird and psychotic at school. It's all because of him and we don't even know each other that well, but I thnk I'm in love with him. Ashton what should I do?"


"Come on I mean he so stubborn and possessive look at the stunt he pulled like 20 minutes ago my wrists still burn."

"Okay so when are you going our again?"

"Are you serious? Did you not just hear everything I just told you!"


"So why did you ask that then?"

"Oh it's because he is obviously gonna ask you out again and use that as an apology."

... Damn I hate it when he's right. I wonder what he'll do? maybe something cheesy or something romantic, hmmm.

"Hello earth to Cyan, Can you read me?"

"Stop it I can hear you, and I don't know when or if we're going out again. I guess only time will tell come let me take you home it's getting late."

"Okay then sweetie take me home to my dearest mother and adoring father." he said in a sarcastic voice.

"You know you could move into the pack house. you don't have to live there."

"Yeah I know but hey even I need a break from you once in a while. Hehe"

"Oh shut up okay let's go before I get super needy."

The rest of the night my mind was on Victor and how stubborn, sex- I mean selfish, powerful, strong, and oh man stupid mate bond! mom called me down for dinner and off I went to drown out my dirty thoughts with food.

Victors P.O.V.

I can't believe I just hurt her. god damnit I'm so stupid.

Yeah not shit Sherlock let me out I wanna run before I take over and scowl you for hurting our mate.

Agh stupid wolf but I guess he's right. I need to go for a run.

I went to the tree line and stripped so as not to tear my cloths apart. I began running and at top speed I shifted in mid air to let out Ajax my wolf. On the run I found a small clearing with a mini waterfall and a beautiful lake. I decided I would ask Cyan on another date and bring her here to apologize officially. I know it is cheesy for my macho man alpha pride to swallow but I would do anything for my mate. just the thought of her makes me all hot and horny for her. I will wait for her though no matter how long it takes I will not mark or mate her until she is ready. Ugh it's getting dark maybe they will let me stay for tonight. I hope they do.

As I came back I smelled something amazing. I kinda rushed in nocking my mate over ad reached out to grab her.

Cyan's P.O.V.

I had gotten home from dropping off Ashton and went upstairs to clean myself up for dinner. when I thought I looked descent enough I skipped down and headed to the dining room. The pack always ate in a different section of the house this was for the alphas family so I didn't expect anyone to just rush in and push me over. I braised myself and closed my eyes awaiting the pain of hitting the floor hard but it never came. two strong warm arms wrapped themselves around my waist and kept me from certain humiliation and pain. I got turned around and was able to see the eyes of my savior and with it let out a Huge sigh of annoyance, "oh it's just you."

"What no thanks you for helping me?"

"Don't forget you were the one that pushed me in the first place Vicky." He narrowed his eyes at me for giving him the nickname. I giggled a bit and pushed out of his embrace.

We ate dinner and he asked to spend the night here and my parents being weird let him stay in the room across from mine. uhhhh why damnit why?
I showed him to his room, his bathroom, and some extra clothes so he can shower.

"Hm hm hm hm oh baby I don't sleep in anything but my boxers unless I was sharing the bed then it'd be nothing at all." He raised a brow and smirked all while taking long strides towards me. it was step after step until I was backed against a wall.

He put a hand on the wall by my face and wrapped his arm around my waist. I could feel his hot breath on my lips and I didn't have to look to know he was smirking at the idea of knowing he makes me feel this way. God I hated him but at the same time I wanted him even closer. He pulled me up and wrapped my leg around his waist and preceded to kiss me. it was a very hot, passionate kiss full of lust. He licked at my bottom lip asking for entrance but I denied him. he wasn't too happy with that. He grabbed my ass making me gasp and slightly moan. He took this as an opportunity and dove in with his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth with his tongue. we fought for dominance and he growled so I gave into him. I didn't really understand why but only he could make me submit so easily. He tightened his grip around my waist molding our bodies together and bringing us even closer if that was even possible. I pushed him towards the bed and e growled with excitement. I could hear the lust in his voice and when he fell backwards onto the bed I took my chance and ran to my room and locked the door. Not 2 seconds later he was banging on my door shouting about being a tease and threatening me with spankings and no mercy. I moaned out "Oh do you promise, I wanna feel you in me no mercy!" hahaha I burst out in a fit of laughter to his groans of torture and agony. before he left he said, "good luck getting away from me next time you'll need it mg threats are not empty, kitten"

I know pretty long, right? well should I make that next chapter steamy or continue teasing please comment and vote it really helps guys and muah thanks for supporting me.

- Florisan

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