Chapter 12: The Day Was Not Over Yet. Part 1

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After the harsh growl I let out I continued to eat in anger trying to dismiss all thoughts of him from my mind. All of a sudden I feel two big strong arms wrap themselves around my waist. it was so comfortable and warm this made my inner wolf purr and I knew exactly who it was.

I turned around in a snap and lashed out with a loud bark, "Who do you think you are? did you think you could make me wait around for you? You can't just do that to me ugg you know what just don't talk to me!" He shouted back, "Don't you dare speak to your future alpha like that! I will not have my packs Luna talk down to me like if I was a rogue! You will obey me."At his retaliation I flinched and I guess he noticed my fear. A cocky smirk started to appear on his face and that pushed me to over my limit.

I growled and he did too it would have been war if the bell hadn't rung. He was just lucky our time together ran out our else he might not be alive right now. I took off to my sixth period and moaned for the rest of the day like an angry ghost rattling chains.
(I know it's weird but hey we are all weird hehe ^_^)

Ashton's P.O.V

When she growled at Victor my heart began beating a mile a minute. My alphas daughter was going to morph and begin a war and the worst part it was with her mate. Victor and Cyan are both alphas and are not use to taking orders. When the started to bark orders at each other like crazy hormonal teenagers I got worried.

The commotion in the cafeteria drew a lot of attention from every wolf and I say wolf I mean wolf. The entire student body had an inner wolf some were mutts and others were purebred wolves. When two alphas start a small war then all wolves get in on it. After eight period I saw Victor on a straight up war path to see Cyan. I rush off to warn her and oh crap I'm too late. they have last period together what can I do.

Cyans P.O.V

I stroll into last period music class with Mr. Greyson who BTW is so f****** hot. I just shrugged off the whole Victor argument fiasco and was actually enjoying the rest of my day. Well that is I was happy until he said we needed partners for our final semester grade for our first half of the year. He started to call out names of course Ashton got Luke and guess who I got stuck with. you guessed it, "Hey babe did you miss me?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "ugh Victor just shut up and let me do the work." I removed his arms and scooted away from him. to this he gave a slight whimper which made me mentally smirk. I loved knowing that I could do this to him. I gave him the silent treatment all day I didn't even answer his phone calls. Believe me it was no easy task he would not let up and my inner wolf was howling for we mate she needed him so I just shut her up too.

I decided to call Ashton for some back up. When he came to help me with my 'problem' he suggested shopping. "Oh you know me so well let me just get my keys and we can go, okay?"

"Alright, but can we stop at my house I have to get my wallet?"

"Sure, MOM IM GOING TO THE MALL WITH ASHTON, OKAY!" hmph I find it soo funnily how we never use formalities we just shout out or speak up what ever comes to mind. she yelled a simple ok and don't stay out too late. God I love my mom.

"Geeze do you guys ever actually speak or do you always shout?" asked Ashton as he squirmed his way into the passenger seat

I just giggled and said yes. The look on his face was to die for. He was thrown off ad then rolled his eyes and said whatever. I laughed really hard and then drove to his house. He doesn't live very far and it was on the way to the mall anyways so as I pulled into his driveway I tell him to be quick and ask him to get me a bottle of water while he's at it.

~time skip 1 hour later~

"Oh Ashton hurry up I'm hungry!" I pout my lip and scrunch my eyebrows together and he just sighs at me and says that he's comming.

" Ok soo what do you want to eat?"

"I want chicken and broccoli ad some terriaky chicken."

'Okay then anything for you princes. I will have one order of mooshu pork with shrimp fried rice and another order of chicken and broccoli with some terriaky chiken please."

Hmmm that's a big order but I guess Chinese food never really fills you up anyways. I thought to myself as Ashton payed for our food. I was quickly snapped back to reality by Ashton's question.

"Okay Alpha where do we sit? Because it looks packed."

"Lets sit down over by water fountain It seems empty." As we made our way over to the fountain it seems to have gotten pretty full in smarter of seconds but I land us a table and we sit down and enjoy our meal. With that my mind desires it wants to do its own thing and wonder about stuff as certain people.

I guessed Ashton noticed. he mind linked me, what are you thinking about?


Don't lie to me your thinking about Victor aren't you?

No... well maybe... yes. ashore I just can't help it he's so stubborn and thick headed, why did the moon goddess do this to me? do you think I angered her?

Hm hm hm no you didn't anger her you know as well as I do they are chosen for us before we are even and idea. besides he can't be that bad.

Oh let's go to the pack house and talk there I'm starting to get a head ache.

Oh okay let's go. That was it before I got us home to talk. When we got home my dad called me into the office to talk.

You'll never guess who was with him in the office. Note the sarcasm.

Listen to my devoted readers i am so sorry buy i will have to go back on my promise and only post weekly. im so sorry please dont hate me. I know it's kinda long and boring but no worries I'll make the next one more interesting. comment.. vote.. follow..share.

Much love
-Florisan (my self assigned nickname)

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