Politically Incorrect - Chapter 26

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  • Dedicated to Sookie and Misty

This is dedicated to my new kitty Sookie and my puppy Misty. For being adorable, and keeping me company while I write. 

See, before Friday. As promised. Erica said update PI, so that is what I am doing! 

Btw, if you've never watched Clannad, its an awesome anime. But be prepared to cry. A lot. :)

The photo on the side is of Ian and Anise when they were younger, okie dokes? Think, bout, four years ago. 

First I want to thank two epic readers who I think read straight from ch. 1 to ch. 25 in one sitting, which takes a while, believe me. So BIG thanks to books_for_life and sfortier for being amazing and epic. 

So, things are starting to WRAP up....kinda. There are a few more twists and turns and a little surprise but all in all I think you guys are getting closer to the end. 

Thank you to EVERYONE that has been supporting this story thus far, here are a few names I was able to jot down when I saw that they had either: fanned, voted, commented, added to library, etc. 

 Bugstyle OXBlack_DeathXO Q-Teez  EricaStanciu rockyv Lredmon77 cjones96 gymbabie017 Jillmandaable arin_jjang bookaholic210  nrc7470 kittenstar5 Vgemba StarryHeaven ebonyhatesyou  nuzzie-wuzzie sashi1123

On with the story then? 


Chapter 26

When we entered the house, it was a very old style. Everything seemed antique, and it looked as though a dog had chewed off edges of furniture, but no one had cared enough to fix it. Everything here had a homey touch, almost like the house I remembered my mother and me living in when I was growing up. Suddenly I felt as something big tackled into my stomach and I fell prey to a dog that started trying to lick my face. The black lab was pulled off me by Ian who shouted “Harvey!” and hugged him. The dog looked even more excited to see Ian than vice versa.

“Friend of his?” I asked Chad and he laughed.

“Harvey was Ian’s dog, but unfortunately we found out that the queen was allergic so Greg took over for him. Harvey’s pretty old, but he still has so much energy.”

“Hmm…” was all I replied. I was still angry, but it was adorable to see Ian looking so excited. Sure I was mad, but I still loved the guy.

“Sorry guys, I can’t control him when Ian comes around.” Greg’s voice said as he entered the foyer. “I’m glad you all could make it. Let’s go into the dining hall, dinner should be served soon.” He took Christine’s arm and I caught her blush as he greeted her with a delicate kiss to the wrist. Ian held out his arm for me and I took it without even glancing at him. I still had manners, I knew how to act. I wasn’t going to let my manners slip just because I wanted to punch him in the face. “Also, I hope you guys don’t mind. I invited Anise and Hewitt to join us. I remembered how much fun we all had growing up and thought it would be nice for us all to eat together.” Greg added as we entered and both were standing there. Anise came over at a run and gave us all hugs, including me. It shocked me and I was already rigid with anger, and having her here did not help anything. Christine shot me a look begging me to play it cool. I took a deep breath and forced a smile on my face. It took me a moment to notice that Ian had released my arm and was pulling out a chair for Anise while I stood gazing into space. I jumped when I felt Hewitt gently take my arm.

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