Politically Incorrect - Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Kelly Monroe

Omg wattpad.

This would've been posted 2 days ago if Amazon didn't crash us.

Well....enjoy. :)

This Chapter is dedicated to Kelly, who helped get this story started :) Love you Kelly!!!!!


Chapter 3

The next morning was crazy. I was following my aunt around as she prepared for the family to go to a fundraiser. I had skipped breakfast to take a shower, having accidentally slept in. I had my handy clipboard with my aunt’s checklist. She worked best when dealing with a list of some sort.

“Lana, go make sure Ian and Christine are ready. Also, tell Regina to bring Alexander down.”

“Yes ma’am.” I ran off to the rooms, knocking on Christine’s door, before creaking it open a little. “Christine?” I called.

“Is it time to go?” She came out, flattening her lilac summer dress and pulling her cardigan over her shoulders. “Ugh, I hate these clothes.”

“I know, but you look good in them.” I assured her. “Go ahead downstairs. Your mother’s waiting. I’m going to get Regina and Ian.”

“Good luck.” She chirped, heading out. I walked over to Alexander’s room and gave a short knock before opening it. Alexander was sitting on the ground pouting in his suit, while Regina looked tired as usual. “Alex…” I sang and he jumped up at the sound of my voice, a bright smile on his face.

“LANNIE!” He cried, leaping into my arms for a hug.

“My name’s Lana, Alex.” I corrected with a laugh.

“I know, I like Lannie better though.” He grinned, the missing teeth making it cuter.

“All right. Well, it’s time to head down. They’re almost ready to go, okay?” He sulked again and I pulled out my secret weapon, compliments of Aunt Patty. Chocolate bar. “You go, and behave, you get the chocolate bar.”

I wasn’t sure if I should feel bad that I was bribing him with sweets, but I wouldn’t fix what wasn’t broken. He looked at the chocolate for a moment, and then nodded. He grabbed Regina’s hand and pulled her out of the room. I tucked the chocolate bar back into my briefcase hitched on my shoulder. I shoved the clipboard back in as well, and knocked on Ian’s door.

No answer.

I knocked again, harder. “Ian?” I called.


I opened the door and gasped, heat rising on my cheeks. “Oh god. I’m sorry. I thought you were ready.” Ian stood there shirtless, his shirt on his bed. He looked back at me with an eyebrow cocked.

“Yes?” He asked, casually. My face flushed in anger.

“As if you didn’t hear me knocking! It’s time to go! And you’re not dressed yet?” I snapped. He pulled on his shirt and started buttoning it up.

“Calm down. I’m almost ready.” He started struggling with his tie and I sighed heavily. I dropped my briefcase and started tying it for him.

“You’re hopeless.” I muttered. I looked up and he was watching me curiously. “What?” I asked as I fixed his tie. He was making me nervous the way his eyes watched me, his chestnut colored hair falling over them. 

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