Politically Incorrect - Chapter 19

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  • Dedicated to Jenna Rae

I uploaded pretty quick this time...I'm a little proud of myself ^-^ 

Okay, that's done with. First of all there are some THANKS in order. Since I can't dedicate to multiple people, I really want to thank these amazing readers for voting :)

futbruin JACKSTEE  cjones96 starrynite Sarasmith2 

you guys are amazing, and I can't thank you enough! 

This is also dedicated to Jenna because I wasn't able to see her on her birthday 'cause of stupid surgery...  I love you hun, Happy belated 20th! <3 

Also, look at the cute pic at the side ------------------------------------------------->

facebook page in external link :)


Chapter 19

My day with Ian didn’t go amazingly well, to say the least. I found myself that night, sitting on Ian’s bed, holding an icepack to his jaw and playing with his hair as we watched a movie on my laptop.

After my vague phone conversation with Logan (where I somehow convinced him that we needed to postpone our date until the following night) Ian and I had a small lunch on the terrace where we spoke at length together, for the first time, completely alone.

“So, Chad told me that you like classical music. I didn’t know that. To be honest Ian, I don’t know most personal things about you and your personality.” I admitted, sheepishly.

“Well, what exactly do you want to know?” He asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

“Um, who’s your favorite composer?” I asked, my elbows on the table, chin in my hands. He chuckled and my interest and sat back lazily.

“I suppose that depended on what I was really in the mood for. Though, I can never get enough of Beethoven, I do have a soft spot for Bloch.”

“Really? I love Bloch’s work. I used to want to play his work all the time, though as a violinist I’m selfishly partial to Rimsky-Korsakov.”

“That is such a violinist thing to say. You only like him because he writes violin solos in almost all of his pieces.” Ian teased and I shoved him playfully.

“Not my fault that he realizes how amazing we are.” Ian took my hand in his and stroked it softly.

“Most people realize how amazing you are.” He whispered and my breath caught in my throat for a moment as he leaned forward. I closed my eyes for the kiss and jumped when I heard the door open and a loud yell.

“LANNIE!” My eyes widened and I looked over to see Alex running to me. He jumped in my lap and hugged me so tight I couldn’t breathe.

“Alex…” I gasped. “I missed you.” I returned the hug and he jumped off my lap.

“What are you and Ian doing out here?” He looked suspicious and I cleared my throat.

“Oh, just having lunch Alex. Discussing some things. When did you get back?” I changed the subject quickly.

“Well, I wasn’t supposed to come back until next week but I’m sick so Mummy wanted me to come home.” Now that I listened I could hear the stuffiness in his nose and his pallid complexion. I suppose everyone was getting sick. Luckily I had forced cough medicine down Ian’s throat and I was on the road to recovery as the worst had passed.

“Then you should be getting some sleep!” I patted his butt, shooing him back into the house. ‘I’ll be back.’ I mouthed to Ian and he stood.

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