Politically Incorrect - Chapter 13

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Hey guys, soooooo, I'm sure you've seen that Guardian and Moonlight Mist are on hold. No worries, they'll be back. I just need to finish these up (Magical and this). 

I hope you enjoy! Please vote and comment <3 


Chapter 13

I continued calling. Eventually, I heard it click straight to voicemail. “That bastard. He turned his phone off!” I growled and Christine actually looked scared of me. I was fuming at my desk. I had the urge to throw my phone across the room but I pushed that thought away and dialed a different number.

“Aunt Patty…we have a problem.” I said, glumly.

The next thing I knew I was in the king’s study with the queen, Christine, my aunt, and of course the king. Carolynn was back at Eastgate talking with James and making calls trying to see if anyone had seen either Juliet or Ian. Even the royal guard was on alert for Prince Ian’s whereabouts. I knew however much trouble Ian would get into I would be in just as much, if not worse. It was my irresponsibility that let them disappear from my view, but was I really his babysitter? Did he need constant watching? I felt myself tighten my fists in anger, my knuckles turning white.

“Will you all let me speak to Lana, alone?” King Henry asked in a stern tone. I looked around frightfully as they left. Cassandra gave me a small smile as she walked out the door. I turned back to the king who looked angrier than I had ever seen him. I felt myself trembling for whatever was coming my way.

“This is inexcusable, Lana.” He said in a low hiss. “I will admit this is Ian’s doing, but to allow them to completely disappear from your view is something you should have never allowed.”

“Your majesty, I am so sorry…” I started.

“Do not interrupt me!” He snapped and I gulped with a nod, avoiding meeting his eyes. “We already have enough to deal with, handling this Juliet situation. The last thing we needed was for something like this to happen! Do you know how many people would love to have your position? How many applicants we had, but we overlooked them because of your relation to Patricia and her high regard for you? Do you think they would be as lazy or neglectful in their job as you have been? This is not some vacation with the prince and princess! This is your job and we can’t afford mistakes like this!” I shrank back as his voice grew into shouting and I tried to stop the shaking of my body. “I think I don’t have any other choice, Lana.”

I looked at him, scared. “No…” I whimpered.

“I’m going to have to fire you.”

“No, please sir. I can fix this, I can do better. I promise! Please don’t fire me!”

“Please leave my office Miss Reed.” He didn’t say anything else as he turned back to his desk and I quickly left the office. I ran past Christine and Cassandra who had been waiting outside the office for me and both looked so sad. Cassandra reached out for me and I shook my head. I ran to my room, the tears pouring down my face. I closed my door behind me and yanked my suitcase out from under my bed, throwing everything I could grab into it. I was blind from the tears now and I finally just dropped to the ground and let my head hang as I cried.

I couldn’t believe it. I had lost my job. I had been careless and reckless and unthinking. I had taken my job for granted and not paid enough attention. How had I let this happen? How could I let this happen?

There was a light knock on my door and I heard it open. I didn’t even bother to look up and I felt someone sit on the ground beside me. My hair was pushed back from my eyes and I looked up to see Cassandra with a small smile. “Don’t cry Lana. It’s all right. I spoke to Henry. I’m not letting you go that easy.”

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