Chapter 28 - Dey Jah Vu

Start from the beginning


(Elena's P.O.V)

On the way to the Salvatore's felt like I had to decide my whole life. I want to marry Stefan, I do love him. But Damon? He makes me feel more alive & in some twisted way, I really love that. But like Caroline told me, I'm only 18. Before I knew it I was at their front door. I didn't even have to knock, Stefan knew I was there.

"Hey." he smiled before kissing me on the lips.

"I have to talk to you." I spoke and suddenly I felt nervous.

"Let me guess.." He chuckled, "Caroline talked to you"

"Yes." I nod, "And she's got me thinking.."

"Okay..?" he led on.

"And I want to get married after graduation."

"Wait, really?" she says, his eyes wide open.

I giggled and nodded before passionately kissing him. What was I waiting for? The love of my life is standing right in front of me, I mean I will never find another guy like him.

I spoke too soon, whilst i was hugging Stefan, his brother appeared in my sight. He looked at me with disappointment. I knew what I had done to him & it wasn't fair. I mouthed 'I'm sorry'. He never responded, he just walked away.


((Caroline's P.O.V))

"KOL MIKEALSON?!! REALLY?" I yelled. Bonnie and I were standing in her kitchen, well i was more like walking back and forth acting like a mother. But Kol Mikealson?

"Yes & I would appreciate it if you would support i support you and Klaus." she says, trying to calm me.

i bit my lip, "Yeaaah, about that.. we broke up." I took a cookie from the counter and shoved it in my mouth, "For good, I think."

"What? Why?" she exclaims

"Bon," I sighed, "His gonna have a child.."

"Wait wait I don't understand? I thought he was a man?" she jokes. I scoff & throw a cookie at her. "Sorry, who is the mother?" she says seriously.

"Do you remember Haley?" I ask

"The were-slut?" she says interested.

"Yep. Thats her." I nod, grabbing another cookie.

"Oh Care, I'm sorry.." she looks at me pitifully.

I clear my throat, "Don't be, this might be the kick I need to finally start moving on." I smile. No of course it wasn't real. The truth was It felt like i was slowly crushing inside. I don't really know what I'm doing anymore, all i knew was, yes- I was going to graduate & maybe college. I have been gone for a while so i still need to check the mail to see what I got accepted in.

"Just think positive thoughts!" she grins before giving me a quick hug. Bonnie always makes me feel better.

"Speaking of graduation... what are we all doing afterwards?" I ask chirpy.

Bonnie shrugs, "I don't know, after party?"

I click my fingers, "Yes! at Elena's"

"Its settled then.. but Kol has to come." Bonnie offers

"What? Bon his a psychopath!" I sigh

"So was Klaus!" she protests

"But Klaus was a sweet psychopath but Kol his.." I thought for a moment, " his just a natural everyday living psychopath." I smile innocently.

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