Tania laughed and waved as they drove before climbing back up to the top of the hill and flopping down into the snow beside the others. “It’s such a nice night,” she remarked as she stared at the winking stars and silver sliver of moon.

            The others agreed. Eclipse came over and curled up beside Tania, purring loudly. “So where are you lot thinking of heading next year?” Ilana asked the pack.

            “Don’t know. We’ve been looking at a couple of schools. UBC is pretty high on the list but none of us really want to go that far away.”

            “You should come to BU. Or at least visit us. The campus backs onto a forest and empty fields. There’s lots of room, we’re near a river and it’s a lot nearer then UBC,” Theron told them, raising himself onto one elbow so that he could look at them.

            Jason smiled. “That sounds great. My parents are harassing us to pick somewhere. They probably won’t be so thrilled if I say I want to visit BU but if I say you told me to come visit…”

            Theron laughed. “We’ll give you a proper tour. Show you the stuff you’re most interested in.”

            “That’d be awesome.”

            “We’ll have a party,” Alex said.

            “We should get a bunch of people to come visit then,” Kayne remarked.

            “We’ll send the word out,” Ilana added.

            Alex smirked. “We’ll corrupt the youth.”

            “Maybe it’s not such a good idea then,” Tania teased. “If Alexander is talking about corrupting people. The last thing this world needs is two Alexanders. Having an Alexander and an Eclipse is dangerous enough as it is.”

            Eclipse lifted his head made a weird murring noise and Theron translated. “I’ll fix Alex and then they’ll be two Eclipses.”

            Everyone laughed. Alex glared at the cat. “I’ll throw snow on you.”

            Eclipse hissed. “I’d like to see you try,” Theron interpreted.

            “Enough you two,” Tania ordered.

            “Hmph. Bloody cat,” Alex muttered before laying back down into the snow.

            “So how long are you guys staying?” Ben asked.

            “Dunno. There’s a New Year’s party we promised to go to so we’ll have to leave before that,” Alex replied.

            “Well that’s in like three days.”

            “Well we’ll probably end up leaving the thirtieth.”

            “Where are you going to stay?” Tania asked. “I’d offer to put you up at our place but there’s not enough room.”

            “We got hotel rooms,” Alex told her.

            “Good. I was afraid you were going to say you were going to sleep in the car or something.”

            “That wouldn’t work. There’s not enough room. After all you’re the one who said I got out of the coffin too early and there’s not enough room in the car for a coffin.”

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