38: Logan

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I sighed frustratedly, and picked up four more knives. I looked at the target. It was so far away, that I had to almost squint to see the centre. I kept my eye on it, and let the knife fly. It landed right in the centre, and I grinned. I threw the rest and they all landed in the centre, as well. When I was finished, I turned back to Jonathan.

"Again, this time with your eyes closed." He instructed.

I groaned. "Why?"

"You don't know what powers she has. What if she temporarily blinds you? What will you do then?"

I sighed. "Good point." And picked up more knives.

I was about to throw one, when the door to the training room opened. I turned around, to see Alexa walking towards us. She wasn't head, but black leggings, a sports bra, and runners. Her inky black hair was in a pony tail, and her eyes were looking around casually. My eyes popped out of my head when I saw her, and I quickly looked away and blushed. I looked at Jonathan, who was smirking at me, his eyebrow raised.

"Alexa, what are you doing here?" I asked, still not looking at her.

"To train with you. What are you guys doing?" She asked.

"Knife throwing with eyes closed." Jonathan said.

She grinned. "I'm so good at this."

She picked up four knives, and lined herself up with the target beside mine. She aimed, closed her eyes, and threw the knife. It landed straight in the centre, and so did the others.

"Impressive. Maybe you can learn from miss Lightwood, Logan." Jonathan smirked, and I glared at him.

Alexa blushed, and smiled a bit. After knife throwing, we worked on sword play. Alexa and I picked up our seraph blades, and Jonathan instructed us on what to do.

"Ugh, can't I use my whip instead?" She whined.

Jonathan chuckled. "Soon you can."

We both then started to fight, and I had to admit, it was a bit hard to keep up with Alexa. She was fast on her feet, not to mention strong. Though, after about five minutes I had gotten the blade away from her. I smirked at her.

"Alright, let me use my whip now and teach him a lesson." She said grinning mischievously.

Jonathan chuckled and nodded his head. Alexa's whip then started to move around her wrist, until it fell to the ground. She then raised it, and flung it at me. I blocked it with my sword, but she kept coming. I was struggling to block her jabs and to move out of the way. I then felt the whip coil around my leg. She tugged it, and I fell to the ground.

It took me a second, but I stood back up. Jonathan was looking at me amusedly, and Alexa was smirking at me gleefully.

"You're good with that." I said finally.

She chuckled. "Well, I was trained by my mother to use it."

That made sense. Aunt Izzy was an expert at the whip. We practiced for another two hours, and then we quit for the day. Jonathan bid us goodbye, and I went to my room to take a shower. After my shower, I walked downstairs to the living room. Only my father and mother sat there.

"Hey, where have you been all day?" My mother asked curiously.

"Training." I replied simply.

"You've been doing that a lot lately. Why?" My father asked.

I was silent for a moment. Should I tell them about Jonathan?

"Well, your brother is helping me train to fight Lilith." I said, looking at my mother.

She paled and looked shocked. "Why?"

I shrugged. "He says that he owes you both this, and plus he's the only one who really knows what she's like."

They were both silent, and they looked at each other. They seemed to exchange words through eyes, and my mother faced me again.

"That's nice of him." She smiled. "What's he like?"

The question took me aback. "Um, he's nice and patient. He seems like he would have been a good brother."

"He would have been." My mother sighed sadly.

"Alexa, and Scarlett have been training with us. Alexa kicked my ass with her whip today." I grumbled.

My father laughed, and my mother frowned at my language. I was nineteen, couldn't she give me a break?

"She gets it from Isabelle, she was always good with the whip. I remember when she got it on her twelfth birthday." My father remarked amusedly.

My mother chuckled, probably remembering when they had been teenagers. It was always hard to imagine them like that, young and wild. Everyone always freaked out when they met my parents, and I had always found it strange. I mean, they were just people, no matter if they saved the world of not.

Just then aunt Isabelle walked into the living room, smiled at us, and took a seat beside my mother.

"What are we all talking about?" She asked casually.

"About how your daughter kicked Logan's ass with her whip, today." My father smirked.

Aunt Izzy grinned. "She's learned well."

"Maybe too well." I said under my breath.

"Where is she anyway?" My mother asked curiously.

"I think she's with Will." Aunt Isabelle said.

I clenched my jaw. She had been hanging out with him more and more lately. The other day I walked in on them sitting in the living room laughing, and I had quickly walked away before they had seen me. I was sure that she liked him, and the thought made angry. Sure, I liked Will, but I didn't like how he was getting so close to Alexa.

"Yes, I think they might start dating." Aunt Isabelle said.

My green eyes widened, and I looked away.

"Oh how nice." My mother started. "How's Max and his girlfriend?"

"I think they're starting to get serious." She replied. "He loves her, I think."

"Awww." My mother smiled. "That's sweet."

Just then I heard giggled coming from behind me. I turned around to see Scarlett and Blake walking hand in hand towards us, Scarlett laughing. She stopped laughing when she saw us all looking at the two of them, and blushed. I rolled my eyes, great, I thought now I would have see my own sister getting groped by that Blackthorn kid.

"Hey." She smiled at all of us, as she her and Blake took a seat.

"Hello, honey, where's your brother?" My mother asked.

"With Max and uncle Simon. They're playing some game on the Xbox. Halo? I think it's called." She said.

"Ugh, they always play it without me." I complained.

Everyone chuckled. We all sat there for a few hours. Eventually everyone joined us, except for Will and Alexa, and I couldn't help but wonder what they were doing, and scowl.

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