Werewolf Academy - Chapter 38

Start from the beginning

Having enough of our conversation I thank Alpha Reddox and say that I'll see him later.

I press the home screen and immediately notice a picture of the both of us in it. It was when he asked me out, the full blown escapade. Instead of letting out more tears I lightly laugh at the picture. We both had wide smiles on our face while Maddox was holding a few balloons.

Going to his gallery of photos I see thousands of pictures. Most of them are pictures of me not looking at him. Out of all of the pictures Maddox has in his phone, there was one that made me smile the most it was just us at the fair. Mason took the picture he must have sent it to Maddox. Maddox and I were holding hands together. I was holding the Mickey Mouse stuffed toy while Maddox was stuffed in his third swirl of cotton candy. Even though we weren't looking we had wide smiles plastered on our faces.

The picture was beautiful and perfect.

I felt the tears once again. I guess I'll just let them flow until I'm okay. The question is will I be okay; most definitely not.

Standing up from Maddox's bed I didn't have the decency to fix it up. I walk out of his dorm room and walk towards my room. Everyone seemed to be the contrast of me today, happy and gloomy.

As I reach my room I get ready for school. Right now my least concern is school but the academy did not force me to come here to become a rebel. This shitty place was about being a superior. We're actually not ready for that shit.

Once I'm done fixing myself. I tie my hair in a messy bun and grab the things I need before exiting.

I feel Axel's presence beside me. "What do you want?" I tiredly ask.

Axel does a once over and looks at me. "What's wrong Bree?" He turns to me with a worried look. "Did Maddox do this to you?"

I nod. He did. He did this to me.

Axel's face turns into a scowl, "Where's the fucker?"

I hug Axel, "He's gone. Maddox left me." I cry.

"What happened?" Axel asks.

I shake my head not wanting to explain. "It's his time," I say between cries.

Axel looks at me confused, "What do you mean it's his time? From what I see he's always been a healthy person from the start, and did you see him throw those trees at the beginning? Damn I thought he was a god!"

This causes me to let out more tears. "You're recalling isn't helping me." I move away from his chest and deeply breathe in and out.

"I'm sorry," he says.

I ignore his words. "Let's just go to school. I've skipped a few days already. The principal probably threw a small party by himself because I wasn't attending school and he would be more delighted to give me detention slips for not having an excuse."

"Yep...I still can't face the fact that you're still in the chart. That's astounding." I'm not surprised by this news.

I wipe my current tears away and sniff, "Something's wrong with these people. I'm obviously a rebel, not the most appealing person to become a ruler." My eyes feel sore, like I've been punctured by many bees.

"Lots of people like you, you do know that right? These people need a person who can set them straight. Being good to people is getting boring and that's why people become rebellious, they test the extent of a person." Axel explains.

"Still an invalid reason," I mark. "These people should choose you. You're a wise man and you're mate is like Athena." I comment.

"We're too good and too wise for our sakes." Axel laughs.

Axel and I walk towards school. The walk was silent. I wasn't in the mood to talk today and Axel must have caught on my silence.

Once we reached school I put my head down to avoid the buzzling crowd. I turn to the right, heading straight to my physics class. I take a seat at the back and lay my head on the desk.

"Are you okay?" A boy asks.

I lift my head up to see a blue eyed boy whom I've never seen before. "Obviously not," I weakly say with my bloodshot eyes. I must look like a zombie. "Who are you and what do you want?" I snap.

The boy takes a seat next to me, "I saw you crying and thought that you might need a bit comfort. May I ask why are you crying?"

"Do you need to know?" I irritably ask him.

"Shoo," I try to flea him away with my lousy hand but he doesn't budge. "I'm in no need of your comfort. I appreciate your kindness but I'm better off if you leave me alone."

"I'm James," he introduces.

"Yep and I don't give a fuck," I growl.

He's definitely irritating. What is he even doing here? It's the middle of our school year he's too late to catch up with our studies.

James stopped talking to me throughout our physics class. He introduced himself as James Elliot a soon to be alpha from across the country.

When the bell rings I stand up from my seat to go to my next class but James fucking Elliot grabs my wrist.

"What?" I grumble.

"Can you show me to my next room?" James asks.

I groan. "Fine, where's your next class Jelliot?" I say in a seething tone. Out of all of the male students he could've asked he asked me and I'm not even a male. I just hope he isn't doing this to catch my attention. Well he'll never catch my attention my heart only belongs to Maddox.

"Math's class," he replies.

I move his hand away. "Don't touch me," I warn.

I walk outside of the classroom. I don't wait for James instead I just ignore his presence and walk towards math class.

"Here you are!" I say in fake happiness. "Don't call me if you need me!"

"Thanks!" James says.

"Whatever," I reply. I continue to walk forward. I won't attend my English class. My mind will probably drift off like usual. I head towards the gym.

Upon reaching the gym I notice that Alpha Reddox doesn't have class today. It's quiet.

"Alpha Reddox" I call his name.

"Bree?" he says in a surprised tone. "What are you doing here?"

"Please take me to him," I beg. "I'll help him remember."

"No," he calmly replies.

"I don't understand. Why aren't you letting me go there? I don't care about the promise. I want to see him...at least one more time." I plead. Here comes the tears, oh boy.

"Sweetheart let's talk this over. I don't want you to get hurt. We might not know if his body is still transitioning, give it a day or two he'll probably be ready then." He explains.

"What if he turns to become one of them?" I ask. "He will forget about me, about the both of us. How is this fair? Why can't he just choose who he wants to be?"

Alpha Reddox lets out a sigh, "This is his destiny. It happens. You must understand."

"I'm sorry for asking so much Alpha Reddox. This just, it just feels new to me." I explain sadly.

"He's there. He will always be there but his mind's different." I was a little hopeful. "You don't know. Maybe if he forgets you you'll help him remember. There are endless possibilities." Alpha Reddox explains.

Author's note: I feel like crying. (I'm so evil!)

Dedications too: @MarrymeLIYUM1, @KStarburst, @_fulltimerocker, @aliyasmileyface, @Life_Just_Happened, @sammysue801, @WildClover, @morganleightonshelton (POTATO), @Juliacrystalc, @PINK-NIAH15, @_NanaMoonlight_

I love you babes <3


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