"WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH NOW... This isn't the training I was told we were supposed to do." BEN says, stepping up right next to us. "Although, if it is, I need a new partner." BEN looks to Masky, who is shaking his head no at him, then turns back to me and Hoodie, who is now frantically trying to get off of me and regain his composure, fixing his mask back into place. "What's the matter? Don't worry, I wont speak a word... unless... Y/N plays a game with me."

I roll my eyes and stand up. BEN is just an inch or two shorter than me, but he acts like he could grow a foot taller if he set his mind to it. "Uhh.. Let me think here for a momennnnnnnnt... No." I say in response to him. He just smirks and shrugs.

"Oh well. Maybe next time." He says back to me. He walks off into the direction of the manor, leaving the three of us alone.

Masky is the first one to speak up because Hoodie and I are too embarrassed to say anything. "We should head back for lunch. You two could.. train.. later tonight." He says with a slight smirk, leading us back to the manor.

Unbeknown to them, Masky's smirk fades into a scowl as he walks in front of them. Something inside of him, starts to stir, testing his friendship with the two, pulling at his sanity. He tries to keep his feelings to himself, but at this time, he can't control all of it. He loves seeing his best friend happy, and he loves that you two get along so well, but part of him can't help but remember memories of the past, or is it memories of a different world? He feels torn, upset at himself for putting himself through these, but his secret will remain that way until his time. Pushing these thoughts from his head, he sketches on a smile for the both of you, as he opens the door to the mansion.

Two days later~

I walk down the stairs to meet Hoodie and Masky eating cheesecake, but get stopped by Jeff on the way. He looks like he is in a bad mood, so I shouldn't bother him so much. His off-white hoody is stained with blood all over, and it looks fresh. His hands are shoved in his pockets, head down, but now sharply looking into my eyes. "You."

"Me?" I ask him. What does he want with me now? I haven't talked with him at all except for a few sarcastic remarks we pass back and forth every once in a while.

"You are the reason I am having trouble doing my 'jobs'. I'm losing my abilities to think straight and focus. YOU ARE CAUSING THIS TO HAPPEN!" He yells at me, pointing his blade at my head. I shake my head, trying to get him out of the anger inducing trance my aura had caused him to be in.

"No, Jeff! I promise I didn't mean for anything to effect you!" I try to talk sense into him. but I know that never works.

"Do you think I CARE if you MEANT to or not? All that matters is that you ARE, so for that, you need to be eliminated!" He yells as he swings his hand with the knife at my face and I duck, just like in training. He gets even more mad with me and slams his fist on the top of my head, probably to confuse me for a second while he swings his blade at me once more. Before it can dig itself into my abdomen, another hand comes into view and grabs Jeff's hand, stopping it. Before I knew it, Jeff had managed to fall on the floor with Hoodie on top of him, taking the blade out of Jeff's hand and throwing it down the hall.

"Look Jeff! If I can knock you down, something is wrong. But don't try to blame Y/N for this, it's all on you and YOU ALONE." Hoodie spits at Jeff. Normally Hoodie keeps his distance as far as he can from Jeff, so this must have been a HUGE leap for him. I take this time to apologize for anything I could have done and continued down the stairs towards Masky. He gives me an inquisitive look while I just run up to him.

"What was that nois--" Masky tries to ask, but I hug him, just wanting some kind of comfort. He tenses up for a bit, but relaxes his arms to hug back. It is nice just to have a friend to be with when almost murdered. Again.

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