"Are you hurt?" Draco asked, not even noticing Harry's parents that resurrected from the dead. He was worried about Harry.

"No I'm okay. Are you okay?" Harry asked. Draco nodded. "What about your dad?"

"He's okay too- holy crap," Draco said as he looked over and saw his parents. "Those are your parents,"

"Yeah!" Harry exclaimed.

"You found them!" Draco said excitedly. He cleared his throat and let Harry go. "I am terribly sorry for my manners Mr. And Mrs. Potter, let me introduce myself. My name is Draco Malfoy," he told Harry's parents, and shook their hands. "They're right, you do look a lot like your dad Harry,"

"I don't see it," Harry teased. Draco looked at him and started laughing.

"Shut up," Draco laughed, making the two of them laugh harder.

"So... Who's this again? Malfoy's son?" James asked.

"Yes sir," Draco said, and cleared his throat. Harry stopped laughing too
and looked at his parents, silently pleading 'please don't blow this'.

"Well nice to meet you," James said, and lily smiled.

"Nice to meet you too," Draco smiled back.

"Hey wheres your dad?" Harry asked.

"Toward the front trying to help people evacuate. He told me to look around for survivors and hex anyone who attacks me, but I came to see if you were okay," Draco said as he guided the family to the front of the land. Harry blushed.

"Oh, well thank you," Harry said. Lily and James smirked at each other.

"Someone's got a crush," lily said quietly to James.

"Someone does indeed," James said back. Harry looked up at his parents, who quickly separated from their chat to look at him.

"Yes sweetheart?" Lily asked.

"Nothing. Just happy that you're back," Harry told them. Lily hugged Harry close as they walked together.

"I'm happy we are too. Now we get to see you," lily told him.

"Plus, now you can try fries," Draco pointed out. "They're some type of muggle thing. I don't know. Harry had me try them earlier and man are they good," Harry giggled.

"Okay we'll do that later, we can make those and watch movies. How about that, Harry?" James asked. Harry nodded.

"Yes please," he said.

"Here we are!" Draco said.

"Draco, there you are!" Lucius yelled and ran over to his son. He hugged him close. "Don't scare me like that please, I didn't know where you were,"

"I went to see if Harry was okay," Draco said. Lucius ruffled his hair and released from the hug. Draco yelped.

"Not the hair! Oh my god, Harry does It look okay?" Draco asked frantically. Harry giggled and ruffled it more. "Harry!" Draco shrieked. Harry laughed more at Draco's attempt to flatten his hair again. "You butt," he grumbled, making Harry laugh harder.

"Shut up, you're the butt," Harry laughed.

"You're both butts," James pointed out, making the boys laugh. "Hello Lucius,"

"Hello jam-" Lucius stared at his old classmates. "James and lily?" He asked softly. "But I thou-"

"Yeah, we kind of came back to life or something. I don't know," James shrugged. Lucius grinned.

"Well okay then. You should come over for dinner some time, Narcissa and I would love to catch up," Lucius said. The two parents grinned.

"Yes of course," lily said. The parents looked back at their kids, who were now holding hands and talking.

"I hope they get together," James said.

"Me too," lily agreed.

"We could become brothers and sisters in laws," Lucius pointed out.

Eventually the Weasleys found Harry, still shocked that his parents were alive. After everything was explained, Arthur ran over to talk to them. Harry was left alone with all the Weasleys and Draco. The two of them were still holding hands.

"Oooo Harry's got a boyfriend," Ginny squealed. Draco and Harry blushed Crimson.

"Shut up Ginny," Harry mumbled. Ron smiled and wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulders.

"Well Malfoy, if you're with our Harry here, we have to establish some rules. One, you hurt him in any way and I will personally hunt you don't and kill you. Don't even assume that I'm joking because it will happen. Two, have him back by ten o clock because Harry gets a little cranky if he hasn't slept. Three, don't take advantage of his body, you're fourtee-"

"Ron!" Harry gasped, neck and up red. Draco was blushing even deeper.

"I promise I won't break any of the rules..." Draco said quietly. He gave Harry's hand a squeeze. Harry glared at his friend. Ron swallowed and looked away.

"Look at the time, gotta go," he said quickly, and ran off. Everyone else ran off. Harry was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.


"Wouldyouliketogooutwithme?" Draco said in a rushed voice. Harry looked at him with his eyebrows furrowed.

"You're talking too fast there, Draco. What did you say?" Harry asked. Draco took a deep breath.

"I um wanted to know if you wanted to go out with me?" Draco asked. "Because you're really handsome and nice and-"

"Of course I will!" Harry exclaimed, and hugged Draco. Draco let out a breath of relief and hugged him back.

Once it was time to leave, both boys ran back to their parents with smiles on their faces. Draco and his dad high fived and went home to celebrate with dinner and whatever movie Draco wanted to watch, and Harry told his parents about everything.

"Mom, dad! Guess what!" Harry exclaimed as he ran back to his parents.

"What sweetheart? What happened?" Lily asked.

"Draco asked me out!" Harry squealed, then his face dropped. "Oh no, you guys didn't know," he mumbled.

"Know what?" James asked.

"That I'm um gay..." Harry said quietly with his head down.

"That's fine Harry, did you think we wouldn't love you if you were gay?" Lily asked. Harry nodded. James knelt down and put a hand on his sons shoulder.

"Harry, we're your parents and we love you. You being gay will never change that," James told Harry. Harry looked up and grinned.

"Okay," Harry said.

"Let's go home and catch up a little bit," James suggested. "We can stay at Grimmauld Place,"

"But uncle Remus lives there with uncle Sirius," Harry told him.

"Oh gosh," lily groaned. "Here he goes-"

"Moony and padfoot! Oh we've gotta go back there! Can we lily? We could prank them!" James said.

"Yeah!" Harry exclaimed, getting a high five from James.

"Okay, let's go," lily said.

James hugged Harry to one of his sides, and lily to his other side. Together, they apparated back to Grimmauld Place as a family.
Lol I put drarry so early in this but whatever

Merry Christmas

~Kittay 💋

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