#1 Talking about it

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You and Luke had been married for 3 months now and you wanted to start a family. But, you were worried that he wasn't ready. "Luke, can I talk to you?" You ask. "Sure baby. You can talk to me about anything whenever you want too." He replies sweetly. "Well, here goes nothing. I want to start a family, Luke. A mini me and a mini you running around the house." You say. "Babe, that's great!!! I've been wanting a family for a long time Y/N!!! When?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. "How about after dinner tonight?" You reply, smirking.

You and Michael have been married for 5 months now and were very happy. Today, you and him were babysitting your sister's daughter, Grace. "Auntie Y/N come pway with me!!!" She happily squealed. "Ok, ok, ok. I'm coming." You exclaimed. "Where are you?" You say in a sing song voice. "I'm hiding with Uncle Mikey!!!" She yelled. Her squeals got louder, so you assumed that she was being tickled. "Michael, I'm going to make a phone call!!!" You scream. You call your sister to come pick up Grace so you could talk to Michael. Once they are gone, you pop the question. "Michael, do you want a family?"
"Oh hell yes I do!!!"he squeals, sounding like a little girl.

You had been married to Ashton for about a year and 6 months now. You wanted a couple baby Irwins running around. So, while you two were eating dinner one night, you ask, "Ashton, do you want a baby?" "Oh finally. I was hoping you would ask sooner or later. Of course I do."

You had decided. You were going to call Cal at the studio. Although you hated doing so, it was important.

During call:

Y/N: Hey baby. I need you to come home. Its really important that I talk to you about this.

Calum: Sure thing. I'll wrap up my part and I'll be home in 10. I love you.

Y/N: I love you too. Bye.

You hung up and sat down the couch to wait. Ten minutes later, you hear the the door open and then close. Hands cover your eyes. "Guess who?" A familiar voice cooes. You get up and hug him tightly. "Cal, do you want to start a family with me?" You ask, almost whispering. "Hey baby, look at me. Of course I want to start a family with you. All you had to do was ask." He says, backing you up against a wall.
Hey guys. The first part is up. Who wants me to do updates twice a week? Comment if you do. Ily!!!

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