Chapter 31- Make a wish.

Start from the beginning

Amelia sat down on Niall's lap and started counting his finger slowly, like she was doing some math.

" Something smells good" 

I looked up and saw Liam smiling his biggest smile in the door.

" Hi Liam ! " Louis said and went for a hug.

" Here" Liam said and handed Louis a gift when he let him go.

" Ow so sweet of you, come on in" Louis said and closed the door behind Liam.

" Why are you so happy?" I asked Liam when he sat down next to me. He had been smiling like an idiot since he came in.

" I talked to mom and dad. Jason is staying at my flat when he comes home from Scotland after 2 months. I tried to ask them if he could come home now but they said it wasn't possible but can you belive it ? He's gonna stay with me" Liam was so happy and I couldn't help it but join with him.

" That's fantastic ! " I said and gave him a hug.

" Yeah...and I kinda stayed the night with a girl that I met few weeks ago" He added and the smirk on his mouth was so cute.

" That's also fantastic ! When can I meet her?" I asked excited. Maybe Liam was over Megan. I was so greatful that he found another girl. Maybe she would treat him right, he deserve that.

" Take it easy lady, she's a little bit shy" Liam said and laughed.

" Oh well let's give it a time. But another hug ! " I wrapped my arms around my big brother. But the hug didn't stay for long.

" Sorry that we are a little bit late" Zayn said. He was smiling much more then Liam.

I saw Isabella standing right next to him. Smiling the same smile. She was so gorgeous. Her black hair was lying all over white coat and her cheeks were a little bit red because it was cold outside.

Their eyes were sparkling. Something was going on.

" What's going on?" Harry stole a sentence from me.

" Well" Zayn said and looked at Isabella.

" We are engaged ! " He said and lifted Isabella's hand up. 

Everybody stood up, gasping.

Everybody started talking.

" How? When? Where? "

Zayn and Isabella received all of our hugs and kisses before they took of their coats and sat down to tell us how it happened.

" Maybe we should introduce us" Louis said when we all sat down.

" Of course ! That's Marissa and Niall and their two beautiful kids, Amelia and Michael, That's Harry and his pregnant wife Ally, and this little guy, Thomas, is Louis and Brittany's son" Zayn said and pointed at Louis and Brittany who waved.

" It's so nice to meet you all. Zayn is always talking about you" She said and smiled. Zayn did a pretty good choice I would say.

" But tell us how it happened ! " Niall said and pulled Amelia closer to him like she was a pillow.

" We were ice skating down town and...oh sorry love maybe you wanna tell them?" Zayn stopped and looked at Isabella.

" No no you go ahead" She said and laughed.

" Alright, yes we were iceskating few hours ago and it was so beautiful down there. It was snowing a little bit and we were just having the time of our life. Suddenly I remembered that we were supposed to be here after few hours so when we were leaving I had an idea. I told Isabella to wait because I was just gonna go and buy us a hot chocolate before we would leave but...instead of chocolate I ran to the next jewelry shop and found the perfect ring" Zayn said and looked at Isabella.

" He made me wait there for one hour" She said and looked at me smiling.

" I'm sorry, just the moment we stepped on the ice I knew what I was supposed to do" He said and looked into her eyes.

Isabella is one of the luckiest girl in the world, having someone like Zayn. Maybe Zayn was a player one time, but Isabella sure changed him. That's why I like her.

" To the happy couple" Louis said and clapped his hands.


" Alright Thomas, it's time to blow the candles" Louis said as he looked at Thomas through his video camera.

Thomas clapped his hands smiling. Everyone had a little party hat on their heads so we grown ups looked like idiots, but it was so much fun.

" I think  you need to help him love, the battery is getting low" Louis said and Brittany kissed Thomas on the cheek.

" Make a wish baby"

Together they blew the only candle that was on the cake.

" Yay" Everyone clapped.

" Happy birthday sweetheart" Louis said before he turned off the camera.

" Just help yourself" Brittany said when everyone gathered around the kitchen table.

Niall stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

" Can I have this cake?" Amelia asked me.

" Yes" I said but I was still confused. Why did Niall just leave ?

Niall came back few minuets ago.

" What was that?" Liam asked when Niall sat down.

" Oh that? Ermm, that was nothing...just work stuff" Niall said and forced a smile.

When no one was looking I leaned to Niall.

" Was it Joe?" I asked.

" Yup" Niall said and took a sip of his soda.

" And?" I asked.

Niall looked at me serious.

" We have to talk about it when we come home"

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