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"By now, most of you realize that you are powerless," Robert paced himself in front of the large group of mutant children, their faces full of fear.

"I will give you two choices. You can either join me and my army, or you can die."

Whimpers echoed in the group, some starting to cry. Larger adult mutants held the children's hair in their hands, each threatening to finish them off with a single command from their leader. The helicopter's blades whipped against the air outside. The whole east side of the mansion had exploded, and what was left was a large gaping hole, revealing the many numerous additions to Robert's army.

"Let them go," Kitty stated, pleading. "They haven't done anything."

Robert payed her no attention. "My rebellion still grows in number. My forces will destroy this building with a flick of my hand. I have trained mutants, ready to unleash their power against you if you resist. And if you do, I can assure you your death will be quick."

Kitty shifted nervously on the floor, the mutant holding her tightened her grip on her arms. "Struggle, and I think I'll chop those legs off myself."

Kitty gulped nervously, her heart pounding maliciously in her ears. She also had two choices. She could either let this terrible man destroy her family, or she could somehow find a way for them all to escape.

A lightbulb suddenly went off in her head.

"Do I have volunteers?"

The whimpering children remained still, none of them moved. Robert's eyes darted around them, and landed on a girl up front. "Frista, bring her forward."

A tall, almost amazonic woman walked around Robert, picking the girl up by her arm. The girl started to cry, and Kitty's heart rate sped up. Frista brought her up front, holding her in a vice grip.

"What is your name?"

The girl whimpered, tears spilling down her cheeks and onto her shirt.

"He asked you a question," Frista hissed. Literally, she hissed. A snake-tongue darted in and out of her mouth, her bright yellow eyes narrowing.

"M-Maggie..." she hiccuped.

"Maggie, what kind of mutant are you?" Kitty quickly pssted towards a boy next to her. His frightful eyes caught hers, and she kept her voice as quiet as she could.

"Scream," she whispered.

The boy's eyes grew large, and his head quickly darted towards Maggie. It took a moment, but he sucked in a large breath. The other children, knowing this boy's powers, instantly covered their ears along with Kitty.

Robert's eyes glanced towards them before an ear bursting shrill rang through the mansion. Kitty saw Robert's forces collapsing to their knees, the sound vibrating the walls and glass exploding through the house. The sound waves rocked against the blood in Kitty's veins, and the grip on her hair disappeared. Despite having her ears covered, Kitty was nearly deafened by the sound. She took the boy's hand and started to move.

"Hurry! They'll be down for a few seconds!"

The children got to their feet, following after Kitty. The shrill cry depleted, and the rest of the mutants started to shakily get to their feet, their balance thrown off.

As Kitty stumbled along, she suddenly noticed something strange. It was like an invisible force was distorting the scene before them, a ripple in the air that glided along like stirrings in water. Kitty's eyes squinted just before an unseen force hooked under her chin and knocked her sideways. The air rushed out of her lungs as her head hit the floor, sending her into darkness.

When her eyes creaked open, Kitty's head immediately started to pound. Her eyes darted around, glancing in at the scene before her. A large, strange contraption was placed neatly against a cement floor, and electricity buzzed in the air. Crackles of energy seemed to float and glide across Kitty's skin.

Walk a voice in her head commanded.

Without her consent, Kitty's muscles abruptly started to move on their own accord. Her heart rate sped up as she started to tremble. Her legs moved her swiftly across the floor, as if she were doing it herself. The actions were bewildering, like someone with very large hands were moving them themselves, and Kitty could do nothing to stop it. She suddenly noticed other people around her, including the mutant children, all shared her same fear in their eyes.

"Kids!" she shouted.

Silence the voice spoke again. Instantly her mouth shut and her teeth were shoved against each other, silencing her protests.


Kitty's natural powers took hold, and her feet fell through the floor, taking her body with it. She felt her arms retract and pull herself through once she was submerged. Her body took solid form, and a pool of sweat formed at the nape of her neck. Whimpering and tears were heard in her ears, but she couldn't move. She had absolutely no control.

Suddenly, above them a figure emerged. A large hole opened up, leveling itself onto the floor. Light showing above revealed a man in a long white coat. A scruffily beard haggled his features, speckled with gray and white. A wicked, gleaming smile frosted his features, hardening them into a frightful expression.

"Sit down," he commanded. Immediately, every mutant in the room placed themselves against the floor.

"To put it bluntly, and to ease any questions, you are now being controlled by my voice and the device you see in front of you. This machine was built to control the molecular chemicals your disgusting mutant cells are made of." He started to pace around, hands behind his back. "Any and all protests or actions without my command will declare your immanent death. You are commanded to return to holding cells once I am done speaking. And you will not speak with each other. Because," he stopped and backed up on the round platform again, rising up with the machine. "what choice do you have?"

His laugh echoed through the walls, taking the children's wales with it. Kitty felt her body straighten up, and then start to walk towards opening doors in the walls.

What was she to do? She was utterly powerless. Daniella was no where to be found, or Warren, and Logan hadn't appeared anywhere at all. The children were trapped against Robert's words, and the hope started to deplete out of Kitty's heart.

For the first time since Kitty had joined the X-Men, she decided the best option was to give up. The world would be controlled by that mad man, and there was no one to stop him.

Her final decision clanked in her head like the cell door closing, engulfing her in darkness.

X-Men: Eternal Flight (Book Three) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now