Decisions and Plans

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"As you can see, from the documents sir, that our plan is simple, yet effective," Robert spoke, pointing towards the papers between Vladimir Putin's hands. His taught jaw was set, his beady eyes scanning over the fine print of the sheets.

His accent was thick as he spoke. "You are sure of this, ser?"

Robert nodded. "Yes."

"Vy ponimayete, you realize, that what this plan consists of is nearly nevozmozhnoye, impossible. The investments I must make are very high."

Robert nodded again. "Da, ser."

Vladimir leaned back in his chair, his arms folding. The guards behind him tensed in preparation for an outburst. A vein slightly bulged in his head, and Robert feared he had made a mistake with turning over to the president of Russia.

In a second, he leaned forward once again, puzzling over the papers. "Why do you come to me? Surely you have others that could make such a large...donation."

Robert clasped his hands together on the steel table. "It I can gain this investment from you sir, this could mean putting a stop to the mutants. Even the one that killed your daughter Maria."

Vladimir sucked in a breath and slammed the table. "You do not think I have thought of ways to track down that zver'? That monster?! Do not think my motives lie elsewhere besides vengeance!"

The room was silent, even the guards were shrinking in fear, their eyes darting around the ground. Robert leaned back in his chair, the outburst accelerating his heartbeat. A smile quirked at his lips, and his eyes sparkled with the evil gleam that could only come from victory.

"So, do we have an agreement?"

The room was still silent as Robert stuck his hand out in a waiting handshake. Vladimir glanced at it, then the documents that layed before him, and then back to the hand. He sniffed and unfolded his arms.


Robert's smile grew as Vladimir took his hand and shook it once.

"I'll take that as a yes."

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