Russia's Alliance

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"So, you think this will work?" Brianna asks as the men open the door for us.

"One hundred and ten percent. Russia's always had something against mutants. I won't doubt that they'll agree with us."

"But Robert, if we set an attack on-"

"Shush Brianna." I said as we entered a conferance room with a large round table in the middle. Three men were on the opposite side, all looking like they had somewhere better to go.

"Privet gospoda." I said.

"Privet." They all said in unison.

The man in the middle, whom I guess was Apostol, stood up and shook my hand. He was a plump man with whispy gray hairs and a beard. He wore a pin striped suit and he looked bored.

In a thick Russian accent he asked, "I believe you are Robert?"

"Yes." I said and sat down with Brianna on my right.

"When I recieved your call, you meant business, did you not?"

I nodded.

"Your situation is tricky, Robert. You come to me and say you want all the mutants captured. How, possibly, is that going to work?"

"I'm glad you asked that Apostol. You see, Gerard was killed three months ago, you were aware of this, no?"

He nodded.

"Well, I predict that if we bring our forces together, we can either wipe out or control the mutants. They are getting out of hand. You see, killed Gerard. Since he put me second in command, I'm now the leader of this division. And I propose we create a device that will ensure complete control."

Brianna gave me a slightly worried look.

"You think that I don't have enough to deal with in my own country? The mutants here too are getting out of hand."

"That's exactly my point. You see, we won't just control the mutants in America, we will control the mutants around the globe."

Apostol's eyes raised and he rubbed his chin.

"Your proposal is tempting. But tell me, how will we build the...device?"

"Excellent question. You see, I stumbled on the last remains of my laboratory in Germany. And I found...this." I pulled out the briefcase I had found so many months ago. Opening the clasps, the top popped open revealing several hundred million dollars.

Apostol looked closely at it. "Chto ochenʹ mnogo." He spoke and rubbed his chin thoughtfully again.

"I know. You see, I have money. You have money. So why don't we make this work.

Apostol conversed with the two other men at the table. I caught words like, "Risky." and, "Worth it." I waited for an agonizing minute until they pulled apart and Apostol addressed me.

"We will go with your plan."

My heart did a cart wheel. "Great."

We both stood up and shook hands.

"Amanuel, lead this...fine gentlemen and his wife out please."

Amanuel nodded and opened the door for us.

Before I took a step out the door, Apostol said, "You said your daughter killed Gerard?"

"Yes." I said, not sure where he was going with this.

"Hmph...interesting." He said. Before I could say anything else, Amanuel lead us out and shut the door.

X-Men: Eternal Flight (Book Three) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now