Chapter 18 ~ Kiss Me Kill Me

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As you could believe the start of February meant Valentine's everything. And Valentine's Day at school was almost the worst. It hurt bad to see everyone getting the school-sold flowers. But it wasn't like he was there. He was absent the last part of that semester. I was somewhat relieved, but heartbroken at the same time. It was hard to know that I'd never be able to see him again. I was sure that he was gone for good; that he moved to another state when he left Rochelle's house. I was so sure, until the first day of second semester - the 28th of February. That Friday was the day before my birthday, and I still had no idea what my great aunt was talking about. It was mind bobbling. Being depressed didn't help much either.

But seeing him brought a whole new meaning to "depressed". I left early that day, claiming to be sick. The nurse let me go, seeing the desperate need: one she couldn't have fully understood. I didn't go home though. Instead, I drove up and down Anderson before work. It was the only way I could walk away without getting caught.

That night, I looked back and forth from wall to wall slowly, still trying to decipher that feeling from before. I could still see it: his battery blue eyes watching my every move, his hair an attractive, windblown mess, his pale face filled with a heart-wrenching apology. It was all so overwhelming. But at the time, all I could do was look away and strain myself. Finally, in my room, I could let go of the breath, let the tears run wild, and allow my heart to sink and want to forgive him. I knew I couldn't. I knew I'd just fall again. I was his toy. A game until he decided I was boring. I tried over and over again to put on a smile for everyone, but there was no hiding it from myself. I knew the truth - I couldn't listen to music, I couldn't watch movies, I couldn't even sleep in my own bed because I was afraid of the memories. Avoiding all of that, I thought I was okay.

But seeing him again that day tore open old wounds. I slightly shook my head as the tears dripped from under my chin. How could I be so stupid?! I thought to myself. Why the hell did I let myself fall like that? That was when I decided that it wasn't his fault, it was mine. I let him in, believed his lies, trusted him, and let him tear me up inside. I did that. I let him.

Finally, my mind gave in. I stopped think rationally. The only thing coming from my mind was: this is all you fault! Why did you do this to yourself?! Before I knew it, I'd slammed my bathroom door behind me, and found the boot knife I confiscated from Trent. I looked at myself in the mirror: my hair was in a small mess, my eyes were blood-shot, and cheeks were red. I looked hopeless. I looked at the blade and wondered what people would think. What he would think. I walked away from the sad reflection, feeling hatred towards it. Then I fell to the floor, fearing the thoughts that were bound to cross my mind. I looked at the blade one last time.

"An apology." I whispered. I closed my eyes, held my breath and clutched the knife in my left hand. One, two, there. I thought to myself before swiping the blade hard against my wrist. I felt a small sting. I opened my eyes to see just a red mark right above my tattoo. I clenched my jaw and reassumed the position, mad now. This time, I slashed harder as I stared at the blade. And this time, it worked. Blood piled along the clean, straight line as I dropped the knife and grasped my wrist. More tears poured down my face as I allowed my breath to slowly release. But instead of feeling complete idiocy, I felt a burden lifted from my shoulders.

I smiled through the tears, somehow enjoying the pain. "You deserved it." I felt possessed for another moment, then completely nothing. I didn't feel better, I didn't feel worse. I felt like I did before. I lifted my hands to find them both covered in blood. I forced myself up and turned on the faucet with my elbow. After rinsing away the blood from both my wrist and my hand, I reached for the gauze on the shelf. I wrapped it around the wound and taped it off. I glanced at myself in the mirror seeing nothing changed.

Till Sunset Do Us Partजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें