Chapter 15 ~ A Day's Goodbye

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I walked up the stairs later that morning, seeing my dad and Angie conversing very softly. My walking in stopped them. They looked at me, both with smiles. "What's up, guys?" I questioned.

My dad smiled. "Well, you know how you passed your first driving exam already?" I nodded. "Well, we thought that even though you can't quite drive on your own yet and because it was cheap-"

"You guys bought me a car?" I almost screamed. I was amazed that they would do that. It was so much freedom that I knew I deserved. But it was so fast. It surprised me.

"Yes. It's right outside if you want to go look."

I ran outside in my socks. "Oh my God." It was a sleek, black sports car. I couldn't quite tell from my lack of car knowledge but it looked like a Faeroe. "This is amazing!" The car had a shiny exterior, and a clean interior. I didn't really trust their judgment on "cheap".

Dad shrugged. "You know, it's just something to call your own. For you to take care of and use well. Help you fit in a little better at school."

I rolled my eyes. "I fit in fine at school. But thank you, Dad." I gave him a hug, still not wiping the smile off my face.

"Now, you still have to pay for fuel and after a while insurance. You know, once you get a job and all."

I nodded, knowing that I'd already applied for a job at Hot Topic where Trent worked. We both thought it'd be better for me, knowing the place and a few staff.

Smiling, we both walked back in, where I hugged Angie thanks and finished getting ready back down stairs. I kept looking at the clock -- waiting for Trent or Rochelle to come knocking at my door. I finally gave up, and figured I'd take the car with my mom being asleep still and all. I could just say that I drove with Trent or Rochelle in the car.

Finally deciding that he must've been running late and that I was driving, I ran back up the stairs, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. But before I could look at it, there was a pound at the door. I walked over fast to answer it. As soon as I did, someone grabbed me in a huge hug.

"Sorry I was a little later than usual today, that was my fault." I was suddenly relived. I could never figure out why just the sound of his voice could break through my dark state so easily.

"Oh, shut up. You know it's okay if a small part of your schedule is changed. You make me out to be a warden."

He pulled both of his hands back, surrendering. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I just don't feel the greatest when I don't keep a promise, or make you feel like something's wrong."

I shook my head while laughing without humor. "So, on another note, hopefully a better one ... guess who finally got a car."

His eyes were suddenly as big as my smile. "See, I told you your parents would be impressed. I mean, with all my expert advice..." he teased.

"Hey!" I joked while slapping his arm and getting closer. "Come on we have to get to school."

He threw his arm around my shoulder and we were off to his truck. During the ride of though, he did want to drop the new car surprise. "So what kind is it?"

"Did you not see it in the drive?" I teased. "I think it's a Faeroe."

He stopped at an intersection. "Whoa! Hold it! Do you know how much power those things have? No. I disagree. I'm taking it from you after school today," he joked, taking off again.

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