Chapter 10 ~ Days Go Bye

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I woke up in my room, a few months later. Another goodnight's rest. I remembered in the shower that I had to pack for our after school trip. This weekend was when Alannah was throwing her birthday party... in Virginia. It was decided that we would go to school until Lunch, then take off on the 16 hour drive to her family's beach house.

At first, I was surprised at how much freedom my parents were giving me. But that morning, my dad told me that Trent was going with us.

I looked at him confused. "What?" As far as I knew, Trent was already going with us.

"Your mother and I wanted someone there to help you and didn't want Rochelle driving the whole time. So, when we expressed this worry to Rochelle's parents, they suggested Trent going. We all agreed that he was a suitable fit on such a short notice."

I looked at him in awe. "What?" I almost laughed.

He shrugged. "Well, he's a good student, responsible, seems trustworthy, and he knows how to fix a car if it's needed."

I smiled and nodded. "Okay, that's alright." I hopped up to go pile some clothes into a duffle bag so I'd be ready when Trent and Rochelle rolled up.

"But, I still expect you to call every so often, to let me know where you're at every night. And your mom too."

I nodded and rushed down the stairs. I pawed through my drawers looking for stuff that'd be suitable to wear. I didn't know if Virginia would be warmer or colder than it was here. I grabbed my phone laughing. I'll just Cha-Cha it. I typed in "What is this week's temperature in Virginia?"

It texted back fast. The text read: "60 degree weather throughout this week."

I nodded and walked over to my closet grabbing several pairs of pants and a hoodie. Then, I went back and grabbed a bunch of tee-shirts and a few fishnet shirts. It was Virginia. A full weekend away from my siblings. I could do what I wanted. I grabbed my flip flops knowing that I'd be at the beach, and a swim suit just in case. I couldn't help but wonder if we'd go swimming, and if Trent would be bringing his swim trunks. I'd never seen him without a shirt on.

I shook myself out of it and stuffed my makeup, a few arm warmers and gloves, and the mini-dress Rochelle and I picked out when we went shopping for Alannah's party. We didn't end up getting her a gift, but we both came home with a new outfit. We decided to save up a little more and get her something from the "Virginia Beach Stripe". Once I was done with that, I shoved my NCIS sweats into my book bag, hoping that I'd have time to change before we began the drive out there. I knew we'd be there late, and that I'd want sleep.

I heard a knock on the door, and ran down the stairs with my hair in a ponytail, and no make-up. I slipped on my converse shoes as Angie- my dad's girlfriend- answered the door.

"Hey Trent, we were just talking about you." She gestured him in for what they both thought was the first time.

He looked around the room for me, confused. "Really?"

I smiled. "Yeah, just telling Rita that you're going to be riding with the girls. That's all," she reassured him smiling.

That was when my dad stalked into the living room. "Have a seat son. We have to talk."

Oh shit. He sat down next to me, trying to hide a smile. My dad and Angie were still in the dark about Trent and I. But at that point I was beginning to wonder if they found out.

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