Chapter 13 ~ In The Night

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It was dark, and the Virginia Beach's night life had once again arose -- as if Spontaneous Generation was real and very much alive. Even after that day's earlier incident, I decided to hold my promise to Trent. I also wanted it just as much as he did. To be with him alone and away from all the drama that came along with having everyone with us just seemed like such a good thing. And right off the bat, it was. It even gave Rochelle and Ryan time to themselves too. Roxanne was headed off to the airport and going home early and Jonathan was even headed to Alannah's beach house. Everyone seemed happy, but I didn't know if it'd last as long as we all hoped. That was always one thing with the present and the future -- we never knew what was about to happen and how much faith we should put into what.

But that night, I didn't think twice as I realized that all of my faith was put into someone else: Trent. And I thought that it was okay. At first I was questionable, but as we were sitting at dinner I realized that there was nothing wrong with it. My whole life, I had no one to trust or talk to. And I finally did. The thought made me feel complete. I don't even remember what we talked about at all during dinner. I just remember how easy and lovely the evening was. I didn't stress about curfew or parents calling, or Rochelle feeling like a third wheel. It was just me and him. And it was great.

After dinner we went back to the hotel, and I went into the girls' room to get a shower and my bed clothes on. When I walked into the guys' room, Rochelle and Ryan were passed out on the couch, and Trent was in the shower. I went to look at the two in each other's arms. It was so cute to me: to finally see the two of them as a couple after so long of the both of them hiding behind their pride. It was like it was all in a movie and the two main characters finally confessed their feelings for each other.

"Hey." I stood straight at the sound of Trent's semi-shocked voice. "Uh..." He scratched the back of his neck as I basked at him and his towel wrapped around him. I felt my cheeks go hot. "I didn't expect you to be here so soon. I probably would've been faster in the shower."

I nodded, shutting my mouth fast. "Yeah, um ... I'll wait out here."

He nodded back and padded into the bedroom, looking out and signaling "one minute" before closing the door.

I looked around, seeing a front room so much like the one I walked out of probably five minutes before. I pulled my phone out my pocket, remembering that I needed to call my mom.

He walked in as I was leaving her a message. He wrapped his arms around me and nestled his face into the crock of my neck. "So, I just called to let you know I was okay and all." I could hear the slight change in my voice. I knew it must've been caused by him and his so close touches.

"Hi Mom," he said calmly into the phone, hiding any difference of tone than what I thought she was used to.

"Bye," I almost sang into the phone, before ending the call and shoving it in my pocket. Trent lifted me up and carried me into the room, making me shrill.

"Shh. You're gonna wake up the love birds," he whispered as he put me down. He went to the T.V. stand and pulled a tee-shirt out of one of the drawers. "You mind if we camp out in your girls' room tonight? I really don't want to wake those two up. They get cranky."

I smiled at him as he pulled out a pair of dark and holey blue jeans. "Yeah," I answered side tracked. "What are you doing?"

He looked up at me and smiled. "Getting dressed ... unless you'd rather me just stay in my boxers?"

I shook my head, feeling my cheeks go red again. "No! No, that's okay."

He smiled again and pulled his pants on. "Oh, I get it. We'll do that later tonight."

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