"No! He's just a good friend." Haru said, cutting off Ms. Han

"And what's your name?"

"Park Jimin ma'am." he bowed

"Well, since you're done Haru, go out with Jimin here."


"I'll take good care of her!" Jimin thanked her

"Well? Hop on!" Jimin moved forward, making room for Haru on the bike

Haru chewed on her lip, "I don't think so... Jimin."

"Why? You can trust me, it'll be okay." Jimin turned back to face her, "What's wrong?"

"I can't... Ride bikes." She said, worried that she'll look like a fool

"Oh. I'll teach you!"


Jimin giggled and put his hands on her shoulders, ''Now, just relax. It'll be fine. Put your hands on the handles...''

Haru caught on fast. ''That was easy.''

''See? I told you.''

''How long did it take you to ride?''

Jimin blushed from embarrassment, ''A year...''

Haru stayed silent

''Yah! I know you're judging. Stop it, huh?''

Haru snickered, ''Let's go, slow boy.''

''Really? I think i'm faster.'' Jimin crossed his arms, "I'll prove it."

"Go ahead." Haru moved out of the way

"Just watch. I'll show you." Jimin advanced forward, making Haru's figure smaller as he soared away.

The wind madly made his hair messy. He flinched when he heard a loud pop, more like a bang.

That same bang when he heard in his dream...

Jimin immediately came to a halt. He turned around to see Haru was still there. He peddled fast, Haru came into sight. She smiled, "Came back I see."

Jimin felt a bit better, knowing that she was okay. That was, until he saw it. The blood running down her leg. Jimin felt his heart leap into his throat. He threw down the bike and rushed over to her,

"Haru! Your leg!" he frantically picked her up, i'm not letting this happen, never. He told himself

"What're you doing Jimin? Put me down!"

"No! Look at your leg!" Jimin yelled, "Does it hurt? Hang in there, i'm getting you to a hospital."

Haru looked where Jimin told her, "Aw, crap." she said

"What?!" Jimin panicked


"The wound will be okay." he soothed her

"Wound? What're you saying?" Haru was confused, "What do you mean? Jimin, what wound?"

He stopped, "Wait, what?"

Haru flushed red as she leaned into his ear:

"Jimin, i'm on my period. That's my period leaking out."

Jimin blushed too, "Oh. I-I thought... It's your p-p-period?"

"Y-Yes. Why, what were you talking about? What wound?"

Now Jimin felt stupid, it was just a dream, nothing else. Just a stupid bad dream.

"Um, this morning I had a bad dream... You had blood down your leg and I also heard a bang at that time. And right now I heard a bang, so I thought you might be hurt or something." he awkwardly put her down.

"O-Oh." Haru a bit touched that he was worried for her. She pinched his cheek, "That's cute."


"It was nice of you to take care of me like that though. Um, but that bang was those kids over there playing with their bang poppers*."

"Oh. I see now... Hehe."

Haru smiled, "Now since it's all calmed down, where's a restroom? I think I should change... You know..."

"Yeah, certainly. I'll wait here."

Jimin wiped the cool sweat that developed on his forehead. He saw Haru come out, "You okay now?"

"Yeah, better. But um, what about my pants... It's, um, covered in---"

"Here." Jimin handed his sweater over, "Wrap this around your waist so no one sees."

"Thanks. Hey, before we go back, can we stop off at this store?"

Haru later came out of the clothing store with a box in hand, "Here. This is for you." She held it out for him.

"What? You didn't have to get me something."

"It's fine. Think of it as a 'thank-you' for this." She gestured at the sweater

"Oh. Okay. Can I open it?"

"I guess so."

Jimin was excited, he hasn't received any gift from her in a long time.

"Surprise! Another snapback! I remember that you wear them a lot."

"I do... Thank you. And I still have yours that you gave me on Christmas."

"Y-You do?"

"Of course! That was my only memory of you..."

"Try it on! I wanna see." Haru changed the topic, "Do you like it?''


Haru raised her eyebrows, "You don't"

Jimin chuckled, "I wasn't done. I don't like it, I love it."

Haru rolled her eyes, "Oh god."

"You also know what I love?" Jimin put the hat on and smiled snuggly


Jimin bent down and kissed her.



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